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Dale whistled as a sign that he had spotted something in the trees. I immediately stood up, reaching into my holster, and as my fingers tightened around the gun, I took a deep breath. I looked back and nodded to Shane. He smiled to let me know he was insuring me. I used to just appreciate the fact of having a partner, now, I knew, that I really lived thanks to him.

We slowly started to approach the tree line. The rest - as we practiced - concentrated in the center of the camp. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sophie snuggle up to Carol and she kisses her gently on the forehead.

My brother was standing next to them. He fixed his baseball cap, adjusting the grip on my long army knife that had been his for a month. He nodded at me, letting me know he knew his job.

Protect children.

There was a snap of twigs, a soft curse, and then I saw two men through the leaves. They were both armed - one with a gun, the other held his crossbow. Long machetes were strapped to their thighs. We aimed at each other for a few seconds, and finally I lifted my hands, I couldn't help but smile because I saw the living less often than the dead ones.

I nodded to them, and they slowly lowered their weapons as well.

"Okay" I said slowly. "My name is Elizabeth. Welcome to our camp of survivors"

S u r v i v o r s     [ Daryl Dixon ]Where stories live. Discover now