Chapter 48

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Glenn collapsed and I stared at his body completely paralyzed. I couldn't do anything.

"Oh hello" Negan kept talking. "I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am. But I did say it. No exceptions!" he laughed.


"You bunch of pussies. I'm just getting started. Lucille is thirsty. She is a vampire bat! What? Was the joke that bad? Hey, sweetheart, what do you think?" there was silence as I saw Negan's boots approaching me.

So it was me he asked? Did he want to kill me now?

Negan crouched down beside me, resting his stick against my chin, pushing lightly. A stick that still had my brother's blood on it. Somewhere over his shoulder, I saw Daryl move unsteadily, but he stopped when he saw my gaze. Then I looked at Negan.

"The joke sucked."

My voice was shaking like my whole body, but I almost spat the words out and the venom was clear. I don't know how I did it, how I found the strength, but I did it. Somehow.

There was silence for a moment, then suddenly Negan laughed.

"So honest! I like it! But now tell me... Who was he to you? Were you together? Because I thought the one with short hair... Oh, you were family?" he winced. "Not good. So who was he?"

I swallowed, feeling another wave of tears running down my eyes.

"You're shaking. Dwight, get a blanket for her. I think she's in shock."

He waited a moment while Dwight draped a piece of fabric over my shoulders. And then he looked at me again with amusement.

"BUT, coming back... who was he?"

"Leave her alone!" it was Rick's voice.

Negan abruptly stood up, looking at him like a father ready for a reprimand.

"I asked a simple question. I want a simple answer" he looked at me again. "Who. Was. He?"

I swallowed, clenched my hands, feeling the sand between my fingers.

"Brother. He was my brother."

Negan smiled softly.

"See? Was it so hard, sweetheart?"

Suddenly he straightened up more, and joy appeared on his face again.

"Now... it's time for a ride!"

At that moment, he grabbed Rick by the shirt and dragged him with him, straight to the camper. They locked up there and left. Hesitantly, I looked around, my gaze falling on Maggie, who was still sobbing and staring at my brother's corpse. I took a deep breath and tried to get up, but then I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me, straight at Dwight.

"Sit on your ass."

I winced, cleared my throat, but my voice was still shaking.

"See what state she's in?" I pointed to Maggie. "She needs that blanket more than I do."

I tried to get up again, but he pushed me even harder.

"Lizz, no!" Maggie screamed, and Daryl tried to get up too, but the two Saviors behind him stopped him. Dwight leaned over to the side, and I fixed my gaze on the burnt part of his face. Was that also a gift from Negan?

"You want someone to die again? No? Then don't move."

I swallowed and looked at Maggie, who just nodded her head for me to do as he said. I sighed, and my gaze involuntarily went back to Glenn. I placed a trembling hand on his back, my fingers tightening on the cold material, and feeling no warmth radiating from him, I felt dizzy again. Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my free arm. I didn't glance her way, but I knew it was Rosita. She tightened her hand on my hand as hard as she could to support me. We both suffered. We've both lost incredibly important people to each other. 

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