Chapter 16

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Shane came back with Lori in the middle of the night. And although the woman was bruised, she was still alive. Carol and I took care of her, hoping that the child inside her wouldn't suffer in any way. Carol was asking about Daryl and wanted to go too, but I knew it wasn't a good idea. He had to work it out on his own, and I didn't want her to hear such hurtful words. I didn't want this for her.

Nexy day, we decided to go in search of Rick, Glenn and Hershel, and as we were packing the equipment into the car, we saw a familiar red truck in the distance. I felt tears come to my eyes. I ran out to them, and when I saw Glenn, I almost fell apart. I hugged him tight and he kissed my head.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. But..."

Then, I saw Rick leading the injured boy out of the car. He was young, younger than Glenn.

Hershel had us take him to his operating table, then stitched up his calf wound. In the meantime, we listened to the whole story and started to wonder what to do with Randall. But out of the corner of my eye I saw that Glenn was absent. He seemed puked and unsure, and I knew something else must have happened in the city. Something that only concerned him. After the meeting, I wanted to catch him, talk to him, but he quickly disappeared. Maggie wasn't there either, and I knew they had to be together, and I didn't want to disturb them.

I went to the kitchen, where I was helping Lori with breakfast and a meal for Beth. Then, after a few minutes, Maggie also appeared. She looked sad but nervous at the same time. I saw her looking at me so I nodded to her smiling.

"What's goin' on?"

"Did Glenn tell you about what happened in town?"

I nodded slowly.

"He didn't want to. Just that it had gotten pretty bad."

Maggie looked down.

"Before he left yesterday..." she hesitated. "I said I care about him. Much. And now he's not the same. Says he froze. Blames me. Says I got inside his head."

I rolled my eyes but Maggie continued.

"He said he's used to you waiting for him. That you're worried about him. But now... when I told him, he feels the pressure."

"Fuck it" I cut her off and Lori chuckled softly.

"Look" Lori began. "Men have to do certain things-- You know that-- And they're either gonna blame the little woman as the reason they do 'em or the reason they don't. I'll tell you something-- what happens out there happens out there. And we-- we're just trying to keep it together till they get back."

"Things were good. Maybe I--" Maggie began hesitantly.

"Hey" I walked over to her, grabbing her hand to make her look at me. "Glenn's a big boy. But sometimes he thinks too much. Like a typical woman" I laughed. "You have nothin' to apologize to him for, you can't feel guilty. He has to work through his feelings, and believe me, he will work them out. Sometimes it takes a while, but I know he cares and that's why he fucks off so much"

Maggie looked at me for a moment, then smiled.

"Thank you" she pointed to the tray Lori had prepared. "Let me just get this to Beth."

"Nah" Lori waved her hand. "I got it."

"I'm gonna do a little round" I said calmly.

"Hey" Maggie looked at me warmly. "I really care about him."

"Sweetheart, you don't need my blessing," I laughed, rubbing her shoulder. "Your family gave us a roof and food. Your father bandaged our wounds. You're good. You're good, Maggie, and that's what I value the most. Especially in these times," I shrugged. "Glenn is a good kid. He's... magical," I smiled. "And believe me, he's doing it because there's no pressure. He just knows how uncertain everything is right now. And he... He doesn't want you to suffer." I shrugged. "He's not gonna get rid of me. I'm his sister and he's stuck with me, but if it's to save someone from pain... especially someone he cares about, he'll do it. Even if it hurts him."

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