Chapter 44

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I opened my eyes and turned almost immediately to Daryl, who, like I thought, was staring at the ceiling.

So he wasn't sleeping.

I slowly moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest, listening to his breathing. He started playing with my hair, still silent.

"What do you think we have to do?"

"Nah" he whispered. "We must do it."


He took a deep breath.

"I was wondering if you had to go there. With us."

I lifted my head, looked at him uncertainly, and he continued.

"I know you'll go. I know it's non-negotiable. I just thought about it. That's all."

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll manage... somehow..."

He smiled. Soft and warm, he stroked my cheek.

"I know that, Lizzy" he whispered and leaned in to kiss my forehead. "But the longer I'm with you, the more I realize I can't lose you."

I was silent, staring at him intently.

"We already agreed that you can't let me out of your sight, right? So let's stick to that." I laughed a little and smoothed the hair that had fallen over his eyes before moving a little higher and kissing him. At first I wanted it to be a short kiss, but Daryl held me tight and let go after another minute. He kept his eyes on my face as if searching for something, and I couldn't see what he was thinking.

"You'll be right next to me, okay?"

"All the time. As planned." I whispered. "I am not going anywhere."



We were hiding in the forest when Andy drove up to the building and got out holding "Gregory's" head. Glenn was right next to me watching him talk to the two guards.

"You think they'll swallow?" Glenn asked.

"Yes" I whispered. "They're only interested in Hilltrop complying."

And I wasn't wrong. From a distance, I saw men joking around and then throwing their heads to the side. One went to the building, only the other stayed, and that's what we were waiting for. Daryl silently slid past me to run to the man and run the knife across his throat. The man fell down and then designated people hid the body in the bushes. We hid again as if nothing had happened.

A guard came out of the building, leading a tall man. He had to be Craig, who they locked up as a hostage. It was then that Michonne emerged from the bushes and quickly stabbed the guard with her sword. Craig cried out briefly, but Andy calmed him down in time.

Then came the next step in the plan. The one that scared me so much.

We entered the building and split up according to earlier guidelines. I was with Daryl, Rick and Michonne. We entered the first room where one man slept. Rick walked over to him, I could see that he hesitated for a moment, but with a firm move sank the knife into his head. I held my breath for a moment, but recovered quickly. I knew there was no place for that here. We started going from room to room cleaning it. Most of the time, Rick and Daryl did the executions, I was on the lookout. When I saw in one of the rooms, in the corner, a sleeping man. I squinted my eyes taking a deep breath and took the knife out of its sheath. I swallowed and took a step towards him when I felt a warm touch on my wrist. I looked at Daryl, whose eyes were soft, apologetic. He nodded slowly and walked past me and did it for me. He killed this man.

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