Chapter 24

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Walking to the car, it turned out that Walker was next to it. I took out the machete, ready to attack, but Glenn just pounced on him and smashed his head with his shoe. Rick walked over to him, Glenn exploded.

"You didn't kill him."

"That's not why we went back" Rick replied calmly.

"No. That's right. You went back for Daryl. And now he's gone again and the Governor is still alive."

"Daryl was the priority."

"I should have been there with you."

"You were in no condition."

"But my girlfriend was?"

"Glenn, this isn't about us" said Maggie.

"I should have been there."

"Hey, hey, you didn't come back with us 'cause you could barely walk" Rick said.

"What about her?"

I saw Maggie's eyes and I couldn't stand it. I stood between Rick and Glenn, looking sharply at my brother.

"Calm down and don't bring it up when Maggie doesn't want you to."

"Do you know what he did to her?!" he exploded on me. "Maybe you could just let Daryl go, but I won't let anyone..."

I pushed him. I knew he was sore and tired, but I did it anyway because I knew, only pain would bring him back to his senses.

"I let him go, because no matter what dick Merle is, he's still his brother. And you are mine, Glenn. The brother I raised. So behave the way I raised you. You are bad? I get it. You want the Governor dead? That son of a bitch had tortured you and Maggie, so yeah, I understand that too. But the way you act doesn't show how much you love her, because you hurt her in the same time. And I love Maggie too, which is why I won't let you act like that. So get in the fuckin' car and shut up..." I took a deep breath. "Please."

I could see that Glenn was furious, but he walked slowly past me and got into the car. I looked at Rick, who had his eyebrows raised in surprise. I shrugged.


The road passed in complete silence, which I partly enjoyed. I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore because the further we got from that place, the more I knew Daryl was farther from me. We finally got to the prison. Carl and Carol opened the gate for us and we all got out. Rick hugged Carl and Carol came over to me scared and unsure.

"Where's Daryl?"

It took me a few seconds to answer.

"He's alive but... he left" I whispered finally. "Merle survived and worked for the Governor. Daryl left with him."

I saw tears in her eyes.

"He left us?"

I shrugged, and Carol, seeing I was on the edge, hugged me. For a moment I wanted to pull away, but quickly gave up. I felt tears on my cheeks, so I buried my face in the crook of her neck. Carol stroked my back, and I finally pulled away from her.

"I'm sorry... I'm just..." my voice betrayed me, but Carol just smiled sadly.

"It's nothing. I know."

Carol stayed on watch while I walked over to Rick, who was talking to Hershel.

"What's going on?"

"While you were gone... Carl saved four people. They don't seem dangerous... But you know how it is now."

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