Chapter 33

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After reaching the church, we began to fortify it. Glenn, Tara and Maggie went with Abraham, Rosita to get Eugene to the right place. I wanted to follow them, but I couldn't. Not now. I was on the verge of madness because I didn't know where my brother was and the person important to me was in real danger. I was always afraid of such a choice, and I had to make a decision.

And I took it, although fear still paralyzed me.


I blinked at Carl. He had grown a lot over the last few months, had grown his hair longer, and looked more like a teenager than a child. I smiled and nodded my head at him.

"What's up, kid?"

"You will recapture them, won't you?"

I took a deep breath as I tried to stick to the good side of things, but I got used to the fact that this world was no longer predictable. Everything was just not right.

"We'll do anything to get us back together. You know that."

Carl nodded slowly, and we both knew that sometimes hope wasn't enough. I knelt down in front of Carl giving him a slight smile.

"But you have to look after your sister, you know that?"

"Of course. I know what to do. I know..." he hesitated. "I know, from you. From how you are with Glenn."

It surprised me so much that I felt a quiet emotion.

"Thank you" I whispered. "It's a lot... I'm worried about him"

"Your kid will be fine" someone suddenly said, and I stood up and looked at Daryl, who had a hard look. "How is your arm?"

I looked at the shoulder that had been dislocated earlier.

"It works" I laughed. "It hurts but I'm not restricted in my movements."

"You should stay."

I raised my eyebrows.

"And to be in one place while my brother is away from me and you go get Beth and Carol? I won't sit still. You know that."

"It was worth a try" he said in a slightly hoarse voice.

 tilted my head slightly.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine"

"Who if not Lizz" Carl interjected, and I patted his head, which had a sheriff's hat on it.

"Exactly" I looked at Daryl softly. "Who if not me and you, Dixon?"


We were going to Atlanta with six people. Me, Daryl, Rick, Noah, Tyreese and Sasha, who was also on her own verge of insanity because Gareth had attacked the church again while we were away, and Bob had been bitten by a zombie. I saw that she was quite unstable, but I didn't have the heart to refuse her this trip. She needed this, she needed to focus on something else. I couldn't even imagine what she was going through.

Once there, in hiding, Noah gave us the layout of the building, and we drew up a plan.

And we did it. Two policemen, seeing Noah hobbling, ambushed us. But another one came and the rest of us escaped. We split up when I saw Daryl fighting one of them. Daryl was lying on the asphalt and a guy in a cop uniform was choking him. I ran up to them and hit the man on the head with the pistol, and he fell unconscious. I walked over to Daryl and held out my hand to help him up.

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly and he smoothed the hair that had fallen over his eyes.

"Be careful" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, twisting so that he was standing in front of the man who, however, didn't lose consciousness. Daryl was in the line of fire wanting to cover me, which made my stomach clench. But then Rick showed up, pointing a gun at him, and it seemed like he was about to shoot. Daryl must have seen the same thing.

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