Chapter 50

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I almost didn't sleep through the night. Every noise, every step in the corridor made me immediately open my eyes and wait for the worst. And when I dozed off for a moment, I saw Glenn's body. Time and time again, I saw him fall to the ground, I could smell his blood in my nose, I could hear my own scream. And whistling. That damn whistling was haunting me like a separate nightmare. And then I woke up, handcuffed to the bed. I had the impression that I was trapped in two places at the same time. Here in the Sanctuary and in my own mind, in my own memories.

The sun started to rise, so I slowly sat down and tried to stretch as much as I could. My whole body hurt and there was a red abrasion around my wrist due to the handcuffs. That's when the man appeared with breakfast. He didn't say anything, he just placed a tray on my bed with steaming oatmeal and chopped vegetables on it. I looked at him hesitantly, but he still stood next to the door without saying a word and watched me closely. They gave me a small spoon for the porridge, as if they were afraid that a large one would do more damage. For a moment I wondered whether to eat it at all, but my body decided for me. I had no intention of dying now. Grief aroused motivation and revenge, and that drove me to force myself to breathe. And at this point, reach for a spoon and start slowly eating the oatmeal. I did it slowly with breaks to allow my stomach to respond as best as possible. Only now did I feel how hungry I was and how much I wanted to drink. Before, everything seemed to be quiet, and now... Now I definitely had to go to the toilet. However, before I said anything, I ate everything they gave me.

When the man saw the empty tray, he moved towards me and I extended my free hand towards him in a defensive gesture.

"Wait" I said slowly. "Can you take me to the bathroom first? I don't want to dirty the bed I'm in."

I was sure he would be outraged and disagree, but he slowly nodded.

"I'm going to take you to Carson anyway."

From what Sherry was saying, I understood that he meant the doctor. I meekly waited until he took the tray from me and then unfastened me from the bed. He wanted to immediately fasten my wrists, but I stuck my hands out towards him again.

"Wait until I pee, do you have orders to take off my pants and look at me?"

He grimaced but didn't say anything and left me unchained. He started to lead me, keeping his hand firmly on my shoulder. I knew he was strong by the force he was putting into it, it would be hard for me to fool him just like that. But I could try... Not yet, when I felt my right leg tearing with each step, where there was a gunshot wound, but I think that if I acted by surprise, I could do it. Finally he took me to the bathroom, where I did what I had to do and immediately led me to the next room. It was small but full of cabinets in which I saw ampoules of tablets and some liquid. Sherry was sitting in the chair and she smiled uncertainly when she saw me. I didn't return the gesture, but I felt a little calmer seeing her. A tall man in a white coat stood next to her - the same one I saw when I got out of the car, the same one who gave me the injection. I immediately tensed my whole body, which the man holding me immediately sensed and only tightened his grip on my shoulder. Carson must have seen this and smiled slightly.

"Tom, don't stress her out any more than you need to."

At that moment, Sherry got up from the chair, doing place for me. Tom led me and, pressing lightly on my shoulder, told me to sit down. I looked at him, then at Carson.

"It's time to check your leg" he said calmly and reached for my right leg and gently placed it on the small stool. He began to look at the stitches that he himself had to sew and finally nodded. "Healing great."

He looked at Tom.

"And now I must ask you to leave. Negan asked me to examine her thoroughly now."

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