Chapter 10

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This time we went with a larger group. T-Dog stayed with Dale while we headed off into the woods. However, the only thing we found, was the tent in which Walker was lost. Then we started walking towards the ringing of the bells, thinking that if Sophie heard them, she ran there too. But we didn't find anyone there either. In the end, Rick decided we would split up. He, Shane and Carl would keep searching while we slowly backed up to the cars. I was going to argue, but I knew Daryl  couldn't keep them all safe alone, so I had no choice but to agree. Moreover, this time Glenn was with us and I had to keep an eye on him.

"So this is it? This the whole plan?" asked Carol.

"I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups." Daryl said with a sneer.

"Carrying knives and pointy sticks. I see you have a gun" Andrea said looking at Lori. I sped up a bit because Andrea and Rick had been arguing about guns this morning. She believed that everyone should have access to it, not just trained people.

"Do you want it?" Lori asked, pointing the gun at Andrea. "Here, take it. I'm sick of the looks you're giving me." Andrea took the gun, still looking at Lori, and something inside me snapped.

"Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?" I laughed, standing between Lori and Andrea, but looking at Andrea. "Who were you before this shit? Lawyer, right?" she nodded. "So I'll tell you this, if we make it to the point where life goes back to normal, and even though we try to live normally and I need legal advice, I won't fuck your job one word. Because I just don't know anything about it except for criminal law. More or less." I shrugged. "But since we're saying you can actually hurt yourself with a gun, and you're posing more danger than you can help us, then trust us."

"Then why does Lori have a gun, huh?" she said defiantly.

"Her. Husband. Was. A. Cop" I stressed each word separately. "Don't you think Rick trained her? That he took her to the shooting range? Geeez, I've done it with Glenn many, many times. It's as natural as you helping your loved ones with legal advice. That's why I didn't object when Daryl gave Lori a gun, though I still don't happy with that." Andrea looked at me for a moment, but then she finally puts Lori's gun away. "Thank you," I said softly, but Andrea didn't say anything else - she just kept walking.

Lori grabbed my arm and whispered a soft thank you.

I joined Daryl who was still at the back of the group.

"Blonde doesn't like you" he said suddenly.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically then shrugged. "Since Dale brought her out of that building, something about her has changed. And it's getting on my nerves. She and Shane have left something behind and changed enough that I can't trust 'em anymore."

"Shane too?" Daryl looked me for a second " I thought you were... together"

"Us?" I raised my eyebrows as I looked at Daryl with amusement. "I said you see a lot, but I think there's too much" I laughed.

I saw Glenn slow down, obviously wanting to hear more. He had mentioned Shane's strange behavior to me a while ago, but I ignored him. And now Daryl's words meant Glenn wasn't being overprotective, and he might have had a point.

"It just seemed that way from the side."

"And what did you see?"

He threw up his arms.

"The whole time you were almost next to each other. Whether walking in the forest or on watch. Inseparable."

"You know, I'm with you almost all the time right now, Daryl" I gave him a poke. "So we are together now?"

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