Chapter 18

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Two months later

I had to admit I was hungry. I had been managing to calm my stomach cramps for a day, but now I felt myself getting weaker and weaker, and I had to keep going. I wasn't sure if that group was still following in my footsteps or had already given up, so I had to find a suitable hiding place. My steps were uneven, I wanted to sleep, but I kept walking forward, forcing myself to move. I kept my hand on the empty holster because they had taken my gun and my favorite machete. I found a replacement along the way, a pretty good knife, but I still couldn't get used to it.

Finally, I saw a building in the distance. I thought for a moment because it was tempting, but if they were looking for me, it was like a big sign of where I might be. And yet... it was tempting to sleep indoors and not again on the ground in the forest. Especially since it was getting colder. I heard the sound of zombies moving around. I cursed under my breath and started walking towards the building.

If I'm going to die, at least where it will be reasonably warm.

I sped up to stop again just outside the gate to the building because there were dead bodies behind the fence. But they weren't walking anymore, they were just lying on the concrete. They looked fresh, if you can call those stinking dummies fresh. I thought for a moment, feeling a tightness in my stomach.

Is it possible they got here before me?

The sounds of the zombies were getting closer and I was getting weaker and weaker. I knew I needed to rest and there was no way I could fight. Whether it's with Walker or a human.

I had to take a chance.

I started walking along the gate looking for a hole and yes, I found one right next to the building. I squeezed through, and one of the wires grazed my forehead.

"Shit" I whispered, then pulled the knife out in front of me and started to slowly explore the area. Before opening the main door, I took a deep breath before finally pulling it open.


Someone was standing at the end of the corridor, and seeing me, stood up abruptly and pointed a gun at me.

Anyone really still have bullets?

I raised my hands in defense.

"Who are you?"

Is this a hunger hallucination or is it really...?

"T-Dog?" I asked. "Man, say it's you."

The man shifted uncertainly, but lowered his gun.


"Oh my god, finally!" I screamed and he ran to me to hug. He grabbed me tight.

"Geeez, we thought..."

I moved away from him. "And the rest? Glenn?"

He smiled. "Come."

We started walking up the stairs and down the corridor to the end. T-Dog entered the room first, and I had to go slower as I realized again how exhausted I was.

"T-Dog?" I heard Rick's voice. "Why ain't you on watch? What's going on?"

"Guys..." started T-Dog and I slowly entered the room. When I saw them all, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. But I was looking for one person. The person standing at the end of the room. The person who looked at me without blinking.

"You must come to me, because I have no strength"

"Lizz" he just whispered and ran over to me. He hugged me and I buried my face in his neck. I was crying.

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