Chapter 26

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The next day, Rick went with Carl and Michonne to look for guns. I, on the other hand, stayed with the rest of the prison. It fact, we missed such a day for a long time. So completely calm. Carol and I prepared breakfast for everyone, then Glenn and I cleared part of the fence where more Walkers had gathered, and then I changed Maggie on watch. It was the day I missed. No attacks, no shots, no enemies trying to kill us. In the evening the three of them returned with a small arsenal of weapons, and Rick asked me, Daryl and Hershel to accompany him the next day to meet the Governor.

And that's how it happened.

In the morning we packed the car and headed to the right place. I got out with Rick and Daryl, Hershel staying in the car so we had a quick escape route if we needed to. The barn seemed abandoned, Rick went inside and Daryl and I, did one more lap. Hershel drove up to us in a car.

"I don't see any cars" I said.

"It don't feel right. Keep it running" Daryl said to Hershel and then a car appeared. It stopped right beside us, and two men came out and Andrea entered the barn. I looked back at her and glanced at Hershel.

"Maybe I should come in too?"

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately" said the guy with the glasses.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asked.

"Milton Mamet."

"Great. He brought his butler" I couldn't hold back a slight smile.

"I'm his advisor."

"What kind of advice?"

"Planning. Biters" he said calmly. "Uh, you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I need to explain myself to the henchmen."

I raised my eyebrows and involuntarily took a step forward.

"Said someone who doesn't look like he could survive a night in the woods alone."

"Who are you? Trainee?"

"You better watch your mouth, sunshine." Daryl spoke irritably.

"Look, if you and I are gonna be out here pointing gun at each other all day, do me a favor, shut your mouth" said the other man. Daryl approached him so close they were inches apart. The atmosphere became heavy.

"We don't need this" Hershel finally chimed in. "If all goes south in there, we'll be at each other's throats soon enough."

Suddenly Andrea came out of the barn, clearly displeased. Apparently the Governor decided to cut her off from the negotiations.

Daryl walked away and stood right next to me while I leaned against the car. I looked at Daryl with a slight smile as he looked from side to side. It was obvious he couldn't stand still.

"As a cop, under surveillance, you'd spread anything before a suspect showed up."

"I don't like waiting."

"This is how it goes" I whispered so only he could hear me. "In case we know what to do. Take it easy" I reached for his hand and lightly stroked his wrist. It was only a momentary touch, but I felt a strange tightness in my stomach. Daryl must have sensed something, because he stared at me before nodding slowly.

Suddenly, Milton took something out of his bag and walked two steps towards us.

"There's no reason not to use this time we have together to explore the issues ourselves."

"Boss said to sit tight and shut up" said the other.

"Don't you mean the Governor?" Daryl asked.

"It's a good thing they're sitting down, especially after what happened. They're gonna work it out. Nobody wants another battle" continued Milton.

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