Chapter 36

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I was walking towards the main gate when I saw Glenn enter through it followed by the others. I started to run towards him to find out how their first scouting under the rules here went when I got a call from Aiden, Deanna's son.

"You're not ready for runs yet" Aiden said which only made me speed up. I was right next to Tara. The situation was tense.

"Yeah, pretty sure you got that backwards" Glenn said.

"Hey. Hey" Aiden pulled Glenn by the arm to make him look at him. "Look, we got a way of doing things around here."

"You tied up walkers."

What the fuck?

"It killed our friend" I raised my eyebrows, Aiden continued. "Look, I'm not having this conversation" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the rest gather. "You obey my orders out there" Aiden said.

"So we're just as screwed as your last run crew" said Glenn.

Aiden took a step towards him.

"Say that again."

"Back off, Aiden" I said taking a step towards him.

"Lizz, don't" Glenn whispered.

"Come on, man" Aiden continued. "Sister is to stand up for you? Just take a step back."

I laughed.

"Glenn, remember that the kid doesn't know shit about life. Be gentle."

Aiden heard it. I saw him how he turned red.

"Come on, tough guy" he pushed Glenn again.

"No one's impressed, man. Walk away" my brother said.

"Aiden! What is going on?" Deanna came over to us.

"This guy's got a problem with the way we do things" Aiden looked over at his mother. "Why did you let these people in?"

"Because we actually know what we're doing out there" Glenn said.

At that point, Aiden swung at Glenn, but he dodged and punched Aiden right in the nose. Aiden fell to the ground and his buddy rushed to help. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him to me, choking. Daryl ran over to help me, but I had already knocked the boy to the ground and raised my fist ready to strike.

"That's enough!" Deanna shouted.

I sat down more comfortably on the boy and with a smile I patted him aggressively on the cheek

"Not that level, punk" I said and then got up. Daryl was right next to me. Aiden wanted to go after Glenn, but Michonne stood in his way.

"I want everyone to hear me, okay?" Deanna shouted. "Rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways as equals. Understood?"

People started nodding.

"All of you, turn in your weapon. Then you two come talk to me" she looked at Rick and then at me. "I told you I had a job for you. I'd like you to be our constables. That's what you were. That's what you are" she also looked at Michonne. "Will you accept?"

"Okay" Rick said.

"Yeah, I'm in" Michonne said.

Deanna looked at me and I smiled slightly.

"No, I'd rather go out hunting. I'd be more useful elsewhere."

Deanna narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I saw you knock him down. A man twice your size. You're made for this."

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