Chapter 19

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Half a year later

Time pressed us. We needed to find the place permanently, or at least for a little longer, because Lori was about to give birth. We haven't stayed anywhere longer than a week in recent months. We moved all the time, ate the leftovers that others had left behind, and mentally begged for the next day to be at least a little better. But that wasn't always the case. Or rather, almost never. Nevertheless, the thought that we had survived the winter was the most motivating of all. Now we were welcoming the spring again, making it easier to hunt.

I saw Rick talking to Hershel about something while I walked over to Daryl, adjusting the two machetes that were hanging by my thighs. He looked at me and nodded as if he knew what I meant. And that's what the last half of the year looked like. At one time, I thought Shane and I made a good duo, but the moment Daryl let me get close to him, I never suspected that I would be so good with someone. We hunted together most of the time, and Daryl even taught me his voodoo magic tracking, and though I still couldn't see as much as he did, I felt much more confident. However, we were all exhausted and needed a break. I dreamed of lying down on even the hardest bed, but with the thought that I was really safe. Rick approached us with a strange expression.

"Hey, while the others wash their panties, I'm going hunting with Lizz. Are you going with us?" Daryl asked.

I could see that Rick was pleased with the proposal. That was another thing that changed. Yes, I got along with Rick, we understood each other and he became close to me, and yet ... Shane's death changed him. I saw it the moment he let his guard down. His gaze then was as if behind a shadow, full of terrifying secrets. His contact with Lori also diminished.

We started to make our way through the trees when suddenly I saw something.

"Hey guys. What do you think?"

A dozen feet away was a high fence and beyond it a prison, but even though it was surrounded by Walkers, there was a certain amount of hope.

"That's a shame. A lot of 'em"

I looked at Rick.

"I think we'll be fine" I said quietly. "There are only a few in the guard corridor, and if we plan well, we can clear the square. That's more than we've had in weeks."

Rick thought for a moment, but I could see that he agreed with my idea. And that's why, an hour later, we were all at the prison. We cut through the fence without any problems and made our way to the corridor for the guards.

We started to run until we finally got to the entrance leading to the main square.

"It's perfect" said Rick. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.

"I'll do it. You guys cover me" Glenn said making me look at him immediately. Yes, Glenn had saved us many times over the last few months, but I was still worried as hell about him.

"No, it's a suicide run" said Maggie.

"I'm the fastest."

"No, I'm the fastest" I corrected him, looking at Rick.

He nodded understanding what I meant.

"Okay" he said. "Glenn, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there, pop them through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot, take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl, take this tower. And I and Lizz will run for the gate."

I took out the machete watching everyone take their positions. Glenn, T-Dog, Maggie and Beth started shouting to get the Walkers' attention. We had to wait a while for them to gather around, and during that time Lori opened the gate for us, and without thinking I ran towards the gate.

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