Chapter 21

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Daryl, Rick and T-Dog walked out of our block but were still in sight in the room in between. After a few minutes, the prisoners arrived. Tomas looked at me and nodded.

"Lady not coming?"

I just stared at him, suppressing all my anger.

"She stays. We have to be enough for you"

Tomas looked at Rick with a crooked smile.

"Sorry amigo, she's more my style" he stroked his tattooed chest where I saw the stars. I wanted to take out my gun and just shoot. Daryl, on the other hand, was faster.

"Focus on what's within your reach, amigo" the last word was almost a growl.

Tomas looked at him, then back at me. He winked at me.

"I'll come back for you, you know that? These fags won't protect you."

I tilted my head.

"As I said - you can try" after these words, Rick gave him a light push and everyone left our block. I returned to the others who were gathered around the still unconscious Hershel.

When I entered his cell and Carol saw me, she immediately stood up.

"I need your help" I blinked faster but finally nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

Then she almost ran out of the cell and I followed her. She started to explain her whole plan to me, but even though I understood her, I still couldn't quite picture it. We went to the main square and started go along the fence.

"Lori's overdue" she said firmly. "She had Carl by C-section, she's probably gonna have to have this one the same way. Hershel had a little bit of experience with this kind of things, but he's not gonna be able to do it anymore. I need experience! And we have plenty of cadavers."

"Uh, well... it's completely sane." I said slowly.

"I need to learn how to cut through the abdomen and uterus without cutting the baby."

"Yeah, that's a good plan too" I said looking around, and when I saw Walker who used to be quite a thin woman, I pointed my finger at her. "This one?"


I nodded and prepared the crowbar to strike, but Carol stopped me saying she would. And so she did. She took aim and hit it between the netting perfectly in the eye. Walker fell to the ground, and I moved to the left, screaming. I slammed my hands on the fence to keep the zombies' attention focused on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carol slit the cable we'd used to secure the hole we'd gone through and drag the body to our side. I screamed even louder as she retied the cord. I looked at Carol, who was standing over the body, so I walked over to her.

"Can I help you somehow? Anything?"

She looked at me with a slight smile. "Now I have to practice. That's all."

I nodded. "You know where to find me"

Carol laughed softly. "I know I can count on you."



Rick, Daryl and T-Dog returned after another hour. Seeing them entering our block, I quickly ran to the gate and opened the passage for them. They looked tired, but I didn't see any major wounds.

"Everything went well?" I looked at Rick.

"Two of 'em are dead."

I glanced at Daryl and he nodded.

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