Chapter 12

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The next day I decided to stay at the farm because I wanted to talk to Shane, but somehow, he was with someone the whole time, and then he went with Rick to the forest. I helped the rest with organizing the camp, finally talked to Hershel and Maggie, whom I had the opportunity to thank for everything they did for us. Lori and Carol decided to make dinner for everyone. I helped them a little, but I didn't want to interfere. Suddenly, I heard Andrea's scream, who was keeping watch on the camper, that Walker was coming. I quickly moved forward, Glenn, Rick, Shane and T-Dog appeared right next to me.

"I bet I can nail it from here" Andrea said, making me look at her quickly.

"Put down the gun, let's us get on with it."

She didn't seem pleased, and she didn't put down her gun either.

"Shane, hold up" said Rick. "Hershel wants to deal with walkers".

"What for, man? We got it covered."

I started running with my knives in my hands. I was ahead because I was the fastest of them all.

"Lizz, be careful" Shane shouted, but the closer I got, the more I realized I had nothing to worry about. I heard the safety of the gun being cocked, which made me stop abruptly, standing in the line of fire.

Again. Which one time?

"It's Daryl!" I shouted to the others.

"That's the third time you've pointed out that thing at my head." Daryl said looking at Rick, who was aiming at him. "You gonna pull the trigger or what?"

I looked at Daryl who was covered in mud and blood. I took a step towards him.

"Wait, I'll help ya..."

At that point, I felt something flash near my ear, then hit Daryl, who fell backwards. I was out of breath for a moment as I quickly fell to my knees. I heard Rick and Shane screaming while I got on all fours to Daryl to see where he'd been hit.

"Hey" I lightly patted his cheek and Daryl opened his eyes.

"Fuck I was just kidding"

I smiled awkwardly.

"I know."

I gently ran through his hair, where I could see a small bullet scratch.

"Lizz, we'll help him"

Rick said and right after that he and Shane took him by the arms and started to lead him towards the house. I saw Andrea and Dale running towards us from a distance. I sped up, clenching my hands into fists.

"Oh my God, is he dead?" Andrea shouted from a distance.

"Unconscious! You just grazed him!" Glenn shouted, and then did he notice me. "Fuck, Lizz, no!"

But it was too late. I was already at Andrea, hitting her right in the jaw. She lost her balance and would have fallen if not for Dale holding her up. I felt Shane's familiar arms on me.

"Hey, back off."

"I told ya!" I didn't scream, I spoke to her in a voice full of contempt. "I told ya to put down your fuckin' gun, you dumb blonde"

"I didn't want to!" she said in a trembling voice.

"Then start fuckin' thinking because so far Walkers have more thoughts than you."

I pulled away from Shane, and gave him a sidelong look.

"I saw you guys get along. So tell her if I see her with a gun next to me or Glenn, I'll break her arms. In a few places just to be sure."

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