Chapter 51

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The next day I was transferred. They placed me in a small room, which was almost empty except for a bed, one chair and a small cabinet attached to the wall, in which two pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts were prepared for me, as well as the book "Heart of Darkness".


This time Tom didn't chain me to anything, but escape was still not very possible. I was on the second floor of a building and there was pure concrete beneath me, so falling would mean two things: life in vegetation or death. At least I had an option if I lost all hope of getting out of here.

For the next two days, no one visited me except Tom for meals and as my bodyguard when I wanted to go to the bathroom, and sometimes Sherry stopped by, but I didn't talk to her much. I had the impression that I was her kind of escape, when she could sit next to me and no one else wanted anything from her. The silence between us was not burdensome, despite everything, it did not tire me, and in a way I was even grateful to it. Thanks to this, I had to hold on and didn't allow myself to cry as much as I would like. Because the truth was that I wanted to cry all the time. And if it weren't for Sherry, I would happily give in to it.

I stretched as much as I could when I saw more movement outside my door. There wasn't much of a window there, but I could see Tom talking to someone. He glances in my direction, nods to the interlocutor, and then disappears from my sight for a moment. I started to look out to see something more, but I couldn't see anything anymore.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement outside the window. I quickly walked over to it when I noticed Daryl downstairs. He looked around the windows until his eyes met mine. I saw him want to go back to the building when I started waving my arms violently to stop him from doing so. I didn't want to scream, I didn't want to arouse others' suspicions. If he somehow managed to get out, let him run away. Daryl stopped, even from this distance I could see the pain in his eyes, but also that he was making a decision. The bad one.

As he moved towards the building, I saw the Saviors coming out from behind the building. I heard the whistle I hated and my heart almost stopped. Negan smiled as he leaned Lucille against his shoulder.

"We pissing our pants yet?" he asked with amusement, finally standing in front of Daryl, who looked like a scared prey. Negan, on the other hand, without even looking at himself, pointed with his stick at the man who was standing behind him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Negan" he replied without thinking.

"Who are you?" Negan pointed to another one.


"You see that?" he looked at Daryl. "I am everywhere. And this was your shit to prove to me that fundamental fact was sinking in, and you failed. Which sucks, because your life was about to get so much cooler. Am I right? Damn right. But you preferred to run away, wander around the halls looking for your girlfriend, and she's right there!" he pointed his stick directly at me.

So it was all his plan. Even if it was right outside my window. For me to see it.

"Now" Negan moved his gaze to Daryl. "Dwight gave you some options. I don't think you get it yet. So I'm gonna break it down for you. You get three choices. One, you wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man. Two, you get out of your cell, you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead. Or three, you work for me , you get yourself a brand-new pair of shoes, and you live like a king!" he shouted the last sentence loudly. "Choice seems pretty obvious. You should know, there is no door number four. No happy ending for you and for your girl, because now, it's my girl, do you understand? So choose from what I have kindly given you like a good old Uncle Tom. This is it. This is the only way."

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