Chapter 45

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I was walking through the streets checking if everything was okay when I saw Rosita talking to Aiden on the porch of her house. I unintentionally stopped and watched for a moment, because Aiden's little-boy smile told me the only one.

Aiden finally left and only then did Rosita see me and roll her eyes. She walked down the porch, folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Do not judge."

I laughed briefly.

"I didn't mean to. Nevertheless..."

"I know" Rosita sighed. "But I need it."

"Like all of us" I shrugged. "What are you planning?"

"Training. Like every day. You?"

"Maybe I'll go on a field trip with Daryl. I need to find him."

"Already okay between you two?"

I sighed.

"I'm planning on moving my stuff to it in a few days, so I guess so."

"Why in a few? And not now?"

I looked at her uncertainly.

"I'm just asking..." she put her hands up defensively.

"Being with him is different from what I knew. I have the impression that he is partly a frightened animal that is just learning to be with someone."

"Has he had any relationships before?"

"From what he says, it's nothing permanent."


"Yeah" I laughed. "It's like walking in the woods with no path. You'll get lost there, you'll lose your shoe here, and you'll run into a bear there. Easy-peasy."

"Saunds excatly like that."

"Hey" came Denise's unsure voice, so I turned to face her with a friendly smile. "I didn't hear you guys" she said quickly.

"Good" Rosita interjected. "Today's lesson will be in the cul-de-sac."

Dannise winced slightly as she lifted the map she had been holding behind her earlier.

"Actually, can we do something else? We just need Daryl."

I glanced at Rosita, but without another word, we headed for the apartment Daryl had occupied. He was sitting outside on the stairs, checking the bike he had retrieved from Negan's base and had been repairing ever since. Dennise, standing in front of the three of us, exhaled and began to explain the plan to her.

"I came up with something that night. After I got out of DC, I just drove. I remember seeing it right when I realized I had no idea where I was going. Edison's Apothecary and Boutique. It's just this little gift shop in a strip mall , but if it's really an apothecary, they had drugs."

"How do you know they still got 'em?" Daryl asked slowly.

"It isn't that far. I just wanna check" Denise insisted. "And you, Lizz and Rosita aren't out scavenging or pulling shifts."

"We'll go" I said calmly and Denise looked my way.

"I wanted to check. I just wanted to help."

Daryl narrowed his eyes slightly.

"How much time do you spend out there?"


I raised my eyebrows and Daryl nodded.

"Forget it."

"I can ID the meds. I know how to use a machete now. I've seen roamers up close. I'm ready."

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