Chapter 49

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I woke up completely terrified. All I remembered was that as soon as we stopped, the back door opened and two Saviors forcibly dragged me out. They held me tightly and then a tall man in a white coat approached us. Another one held my hand and before I could do anything, I received an injection in my hand. The reaction was almost immediate. I felt my legs go weak under me, I had dark spots before my eyes, and finally I lost consciousness.

And I woke up here. The room was slightly dark, and no light filtered through the windows. It must have been evening or even night. I was sitting on the bed and my hand was attached to a metal reinforcement with handcuffs. My eyes fell on my leg, which was already professionally dressed.

"How do you feel?"

Only now did I notice a figure in the shadow sitting on a chair. It was a woman. She hesitantly stood up and took a few steps towards me, and I got a better look at her face. She was pretty, maybe my age, she was wearing a short dress, but she also wore a long sweater that wrapped herself tightly around herself.

"I was wondering how long you'll be unconscious. I hope you don't feel any pain. If so, Dr. Carson let me give you some painkillers. Do you want them?"

I remained silent, continued to stare at her, my hands clenching the sheets. I looked around, but my bed was positioned so that I couldn't reach anything. Everything was far away, hidden, and I was completely defenseless.

The woman must have seen the panic in my eyes because she sighed and seemed to want to take another step towards less, but decided against it. And I was really grateful for that. Truthfully, she didn't seem dangerous to me, but could I be sure of anything? After what happened... 

I felt tears coming to my eyes, so I gripped the blanket even tighter and forced to get it together, although it wasn't easy. 

Glenn was dead. 

Once again, I saw his motionless body, his head smashed, and his blood on the dry ground. I felt weak and dizzy, so I had to close my eyes. Wincing, I tried to regain control of my body, my own mind. I couldn't tear myself apart. Not now. Not here. It didn't matter how many pieces my heart was currently in.

"Are you okay?"

A woman's voice reached me and I immediately opened my eyes. I focused on her again, but remained silent.

"Listen" she breathed. "I know you're from that group. Negan's new source. I heard... I heard you lost two people and one..." she hesitated. "One was your brother."

With the last of my willpower, I forced myself to remain silent. And I wanted to scream. I wanted to attack her. I wanted revenge, even though I knew she wasn't the one who killed Glenn.

"I... I lost my sister recently too. So I know how you feel."

"Did you also see someone split her head with his favorite stick?" I asked faster than I thought, fury lacing my voice. She swallowed, although it was dark in the room, I saw her turn pale.

"Tina was bitten."

"So you don't know shit" I said.

Sherry grimaced.

"But I know what Negan is capable of."

I nodded slowly.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. And I tried to get out of here, but I couldn't. All roads lead to the Sanctuary" she said sourly.

Suddenly I connected the dots. Information merged into one.

"I know who you are" I said sharply. "You are Sherry. You and Dwight were the ones who left Daryl in the middle of nowhere, even though he tried to help you. You took the bike, his gun, and that's all you were."

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