Chapter 47

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I woke up with a jolt and almost immediately felt a pain in my leg that almost made me scream.

"Fuck" I snapped as I looked at Glenn who was just tying a piece of rag around my leg.

"Sorry" he said in a slightly trembling voice. "But I need to change your dressing. Makeshift but still a dressing."

I looked around, but we were locked in some kind of trailer, and I couldn't see much. I narrowed my eyes, feeling faint, but not from the pain this time. I made my body move. Glenn hissed to stop me, but I ignored him. Like a lame dog, on all fours, I stretched myself over to Daryl, who was sitting against the wall with a grimace of pain on his face.

"Liz?" he asked as if unsure. He was covered with a stained blanket. I pushed him away slightly so I could see the wound on his arm. But she was already dressed with another scrap of cloth. And although there was blood, the important thing was that Daryl was still breathing. I pressed my forehead against his shoulder, took a deep breath, feeling both the need to cry and pure fury. I literally had all my feelings.

"Liz?" he asked again. "How do you feel?"

I lifted my head and looked at him with a slight smile, which was now probably just a grimace.

"It's fine" I shifted and groaned again through the pain in my leg.

"That's what you sound like" Daryl coughed, wincing too.

"Where are we?" I asked looking at Glenn, Rosita and Michonne.

"I don't know" Glenn said in a hoarse voice. "They put us in here, threw us rags and blankets, locked us up and went somewhere. But I have no idea where exactly."

"How long was I unconscious?"

"About a few hours. It's already dark."

"Wonderful" I whispered and wanted to get up but my legs refused to obey me.

"You shouldn't move" Glenn crawled over to me and grabbed my arm tightly. I winced, still looking around trying to catch the anchor point.

"Lizz! Look at me" Glenn gripped me tighter and I finally did it. "Everything will be fine. Rick will find us. We just have to wait."

I nodded slowly in agreement, but the truth was, I wasn't convinced. Everything in me just screamed that this wasn't going to end well. That we have to run away.

I turned to Daryl again and smoothed his paid-off hair that had fallen over his eyes. He was shaking, but I was shaking too. We both lost a lot of blood. We both should be resting now, but we couldn't afford it.

"Hey, stay awake" I stroked his cheek and he looked at me, or so I thought in the darkness.

"I know, I'm trying, but it's fucking harder than it should be"

I nodded.

"We have to be ready for the fuck knows what. Everyone" I looked back at the others.

At that moment, we heard the sounds of running, some whispers. I wasn't able to make out the words, but I was sleeping all over my body, which resulted in even more pain in my leg. Suddenly the darkness turned to blinding light. Light filtered through the gaps in the door, blinding us at first. Another conversation from a distance. Quiet voices. Rustle. I looked at my brother and saw fear in his eyes. And the worst part was, that I couldn't comfort him. Because I was scared too. I couldn't remember the last time I was so scared. Footsteps reached us, and then someone swung the door open.

"Come on. You got people to meet" it was Dwight's voice.

I could hardly see anything through the light. I saw someone yank Daryl out of the car. He turned to look at me, but then the man grabbed his arm and Daryl cringed slightly in pain. Then someone grabbed my arm. I looked at Dwight who smirked mischievously.

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