Chapter 40

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I put Judith to sleep and turned on the tiny camera, then peeked into Carl's room. Carl was sitting by the window, apparently deep in thought, because he didn't even look my way.

"What's up, kid?"

Carl shuddered, looked at me with an apologetic smile. "Nothing, Liz."

"C'mon, I have eyes" I laughed softly. "Tell auntie Lizz, what's going on."

Carl thought for a moment, then sighed.

"I thought it would be different here."

"What do you mean?" I leaned against the wall watching him closely, and Carl shrugged.

"I don't know how to describe it" he said slowly. "I thought we'd put it behind us and dad..."

He winced and I understood. I sighed and crouched down giving him a small smile.

"Yeah" I said calmly. "I know what you mean. I was also hoping that everything would calm down. But I think the time of relative calm is over and for now we have to build everything anew to be able to rest."

"Shall we rest sometime?"

"I hope so" I whispered. "It would come in handy someday" I laughed a little sadly. "And your dad... he means well."

"But he makes bad decisions."

"You think so?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You're different" Carl said forcefully. "You used to be alike, but now... you stayed the way you were, but he..."

"Your dad lost a lot, Carl" I said calmly. "Plus he has two wonderful children that he wants to protect at all costs. For whom he will do anything to keep you safe. And yes, your dad sometimes forgets that there is such a thing as dialogue, but he saved us many times and we have to remember that."

"And can't you remind him? That it can be done differently?"

"I try, but he doesn't always listen to me" I laughed.

"You could be together, you know?"

I couldn't stop laughing. "You mean as a couple?"

"Yeah, he's just a little older than you. And quite handsome."

"Yeah kid, your dad's handsome but he's not to my taste."

"That is?"

"He was a cop" I laughed. "And it crosses him out."

Carl sighed. "Pity."

"Besides..." I slowly stood up and stretched. "I have my eye on someone else."

"Yes?" I saw real interest in his eyes.

"Yhym" I winked at him. "But more importantly. My eyes also saw something else, also very interesting."


"A pretty girl named Enid who escapes into the woods over the fence. Who seems to be the only one who seems to know what it's like to be outside the wall. And who..." I gave Carl a suggestive look. "Who caught not only my eyes."

I saw Carl turn red in the face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"As you prefer" I shrugged. "But you know how it is... A woman will reach a woman faster because she knows what she wants to hear" I winked at him, and when Carl was about to say something, I heard Carol scream, calling me. I quickly left the room and ran downstairs to the kitchen. I heard screams from outside. Carl was right behind me, gun ready.

"They're attacking us" said Carol.

I nodded in understanding and looked at Carl. "Close the door. Stay and watch Judith. Okay?"

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