Chapter 46

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I was sitting outside Daryl's apartment when I finally saw him between the houses across the street. He looked at me apologetically and hard at the same time, which made my whole body cold. I sighed, got up and walked over to him not even knowing what I should do or say. Yell at him? Say I needed him that night after we buried Danise last night? But he was in pieces himself, I saw it. Both yesterday and today he had the same pain in his eyes.

"I've been waitin' for ya" I finally said. "At midnight I went to sleep and came back before sunrise. I was waiting the whole time."

"Sorry, I was... I was here and there."

I nodded slowly, reached for his hand and closed my fingers around his. But he didn't run away from my touch, so he didn't repay him either.

"What you want to do?"

He threw up his arms.

"What can I do? It's my fault."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't you dare think like that. It's not your fault."

Daryl took his hand away, took a step back, furious.

"Of course I would. If it hadn't been for me, if I had killed him then, Denise would have been alive. Nothing would have happened. We would all have gone home. Alive."

"Daryl! You couldn't have known. You wanted to help him. You helped. You couldn't have known that..."

"That it will turn out to be a dick? Yes, because the whole world is blooming and beautiful. I forgot, princess, sorry."

"You don't have to be picky."

"So don't tell me how to feel."

"Damn it Daryl! It affected us all. I  saw that arrow too and Denise's body falling down when she was saying how much she admired us a second ago. It hurts, I know, but it's not you, it's Dwight. You weren't holding the crossbow, but he! So it's not you who should be to blame, he should be the one to regret it!"

And I knew, I really knew I had said too much. I could see it in his eyes and I knew immediately what was on his mind.

"Daryl... no..."

But Daryl wasn't listening to me anymore. He started walking towards his apartment, which had a motorcycle parked in front of it. He sat on it as I grabbed his hand. He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Daryl... wait... we have to have a plan..."

"Fuck it" was all he said and he started the bike and before I said anything it was off.

"Fuck, Daryl!" I screamed after him and started running. In the distance, I saw him open the gate and leave, but also Glenn, Maggie and Michonne walking towards him.

Glenn saw me, raised his hands in a questioning gesture.

"What the fuck, Lizz?"

"Get in the car, we're following him!" I said instead.

Glenn didn't even argue, got into the truck prepared earlier, and I did the same. Michonne got in from the back and Gleen took off, but had to stop just as quickly as Abraham jumped out in front of the hood.

"Make room for my freckled ass" he said.

"Yeah" Rosita interjected. "Cover my watch. You stay."

"Hey, we should keep numbers here" Glenn said.

"I'll be useful" Rosita said looking me straight in the eye, and I nodded my agreement.

"Jump in."

We stopped at the tracks. I got out of the car and took a deep breath. Glenn looked at me uncertainly.

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