Chapter 30

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We returned to the prison in the middle of the night and Bob immediately gave to all the sick people antibiotics. I spent the whole night with Glenn, where Maggie and I watched him. And yes, I still wasn't  full of strength, but the most important was my brother. So I almost didn't upload the time, but seeing him open his eyes in the morning I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go get some air" Maggie said. "I'll watch him."

"Are you sure? I can..."

"Go" she cut me off softly and I relented.

I went outside and the sun made me squint. Nevertheless, I felt a great relief. I took a deep breath and waved at Daryl, who was talking to Hershel, then walked over to them.

"How's Glenn?" Daryl asked as soon as I stood next to him.

"He has been breathing through the night, his fever has gone down a bit. Now Maggie is sitting next to him."

Hershel patted me on the shoulder. "So we can rest."

I laughed. "Yeah"

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Daryl. "Have you seen Carol? I haven't met her anywhere and I was hoping she'd cook us something delicious as a reward."

"Nah, I've been looking for her for an hour. Maybe she went out to pick herbs."

"No" Hershel said suddenly. "You should go to Rick, he'll tell you."

I raised my eyebrows, fear reawakened, which Hershel must have seen.

"She's alive. She's not sick, but Rick had better tell you what happened."

I didn't press. I just headed to our block and Daryl was right behind me.

And when Rick saw us, he sighed heavily, and I knew something had happened. However, I didn't ask the question yet, I simply followed Rick, who brought us to the next level to be alone. And only then, he told us where Carol was.

Outside the camp. He banished her because she was responsible for the arson Karen and David. She confessed.

I couldn't believe it, so I just stared at Rick, hardly blinking.

"Man, you couldn't have waited till we got back?" Daryl was furious.

"Until Tyreese got back?" Rick asked.

"I could've handled that"

"She killed two of our own. She couldn't be here. She's gonna be all right. She has a car, supplies, weapon. She's a survivor."

"Bullshit" I said furiously. "She's alone there, so what does that change?"

"She did it" Rick said in a tired voice. " She said it was for us. That's how it was in her head. She wasn't sorry."

"Man, that's her, but that ain't her" Daryl said and I took a deep breath.

"What are we supposed to do about those two girls?"

"I told her we'd look after them" said Rick. "I haven't told Tyreese yet. I don't know how he's gonna take it"

"Let's find out."

"I..." I began hesitantly. "Go. I'll go to Glenn."

Rick looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You and Tyreese are close. You should..."

"Should I say my friend who is like a sister to me, killed his girlfriend?" I exploded suddenly. "C'mon Rick, really? Don't put me in this position. I gonna back to my brother and you... I don't know. Do what you think is right. Because you've made a decision for everyone again. Carol may have killed them, but you didn't let us say goodbye to her" I said with tears in my eyes, then turned to head towards solitary.

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