Chapter 32

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The next day we heard a scream in the forest. It was a priest. He was standing on a high rock and there were several Walkers around him. We quickly killed them and the priest took us to his church. We split up to check the area of ​​the nearest town and gather what we might need. I went with Glenn, Maggie and Tara, but it was Rick along with Gabriel, Michonne and Carl who found the food. In the evening we sat in the church by candlelight drinking wine and for the first time in several days I could relax. Everyone was laughing, but I missed two people. I left the church and met Daryl at the entrance.

"Have you seen Carol?" I asked.

"She's not inside?"

I nodded my head and Daryl thought for a moment.

"Come on" I ran after him and, though it was already dark, he flawlessly led us to the parallel road where, as he said before, he and Carol had left the car. And yes, she was there. She just killed Walker, and she seems to be wondering. We went out among the trees.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly and Carol shrugged.

"I don't know" she said finally.

I looked at her warmly and I knew how much pain she was hiding. I knew what had happened to Lizzie, I knew she was still suffering because of David and Karen. She didn't have to say anything, I figured everything out. And I understood her. I understood that pain.

"Let's get back to the rest" I said, taking a step towards her and sticking out my hand. I smiled.

Suddenly, a car drove past us, and there was a white cross on its windshield. I glanced at Daryl, and he jumped over to our car and smashed the lights of the car with a crossbow.

"Whoa, whoa! What are you doing?" Carol asked

"They got Beth" he said. "Come on. Come on, get in."

I didn't even try to say "No", I got in the car without a word and Daryl took off right away.

We followed them in silence. Carol suggested we run them off the road, but there was a chance we wouldn't hear anything from them, so we had to follow them, and the gas tank was running low. The farther we went, the more I thought about Glenn, but I knew I had to be here. I was worried about my brother, but I didn't want to leave Carol and Daryl either. Not in this situation.

We drove into Atlanta and finally decided to find a place to spend the night and then look again for the hiding place of the people who had most likely kidnapped Beth. Carol said she knew a good place to hide, so she led us through the dark streets to a fairly tall building. There weren't many Walkers inside until we finally got into a small room with a separate bathroom. We barricaded the door securely enough that we knew we were safe.

"What's this place?" Daryl asked, and I saw a book about children from abusive homes. I felt a tightness in my stomach.

"It's temporary housing" Carol said quietly, then looked at the bunk bed and then at me: "Take the top bunk. I think that one's more Daryl style."

I smiled and unhooked the machete from my thighs so I could move more freely.

"You should sleep" Carol said. "I'll take first watch."

"This is locked up pretty tight" Daryl said. "I'll sleep on the floor and you on mattresses. C'mon."

"I'll keep first watch. I don't mind" Carol insisted.

I saw that twinkle in her eyes and I knew there was no point in arguing. I jumped on the top bunk without a word and closed my eyes. There was silence for a few minutes, and I slowly fell asleep. I felt my breathing slow as Carol's footsteps suddenly came to me and she had to sit next to Daryl.

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