
5K 340 202

133 A.C.

THE BATTLE AT CASTERLY ROCK WAS A BLOODBATH ON BOTH SIDES. ARGELLA AND HER FORCES CERTAINLY HAD THE ADVANTAGE AS VERMITHOR RAVAGED THE FIELD with fire. Argella didn't want to fly in the rain if she didn't have to and so she took to the ground, cutting down any man that crossed her path.

Early in the battle, Argella's path crossed that of Jason Lannister. In a moment of excitement and thrill, Argella met the older lord in combat. Jason, however, stared at the woman as though she were nothing more than an obstacle to something more important. But Argella wasn't letting him go. Argella pointed her sword at Jason, challenging him.

"I don't fight little girls," Jason states.

Argella looks to her left and then to her right, "There are no little girls here. Only women and men."

Jason stares at Argella and can't help the chuckle that escapes him, "I'll send your mother my apologies following the battle."

"For what reason?" Argella inquires.

"For depriving her of her eldest child and heir. Perhaps then she'll realize her mistake," Jason responds.

Argella's lips quirk in a smile, "Then I suppose I'll send your wife and son my condolences as well, should they survive when I set your castle ablaze."

That seems to unsettle Jason as a frown makes its way onto his face. Truthfully Argella had no intentions of harming his wife and son, as long as they told her where the gold was. Should they resist then she would have to make an example of someone.

Vermithor let out a loud cry and so the battle between the Lord of Casterly Rock and the Lady of Storm's End commenced. It's said that Lords of the Riverland fight better in their lands as men of the North fought better in the snow. It should be said that Baratheons fight better in the midst of a storm.

Jason Lannister was a more seasoned warrior, but Argella was younger, quicker, and smarter. Many on the battlefield thought the two were evenly matched and that the battle would span over a matter of minutes, but it didn't take Argella long to get the upper hand.

She knocked the older man to the ground and held a sword at his throat, but Jason Lannister did not yield, nor did he plead for his life. Instead, he stared Argella in the eye, waiting for his end.

"My mother sends her regards," Argella states before cutting the man down. Jason Lannister was dead, and everyone bore witness as he was defeated by nonother than a woman.

Unbeknownst to the dying Lord Jason and his bannermen, fleets of longships from the Iron Islands fell upon the shores of Lannister's domains, led by Dalton Greyjoy of Pyke. His ironmen could not hope to breach Casterly Rock once Lady Johanna had barred her gates, but they seized three-quarters of the ships in the harbor, sank the rest, then swarmed over the walls of Lannisport to sack the city, making off with uncounted wealth and more than six hundred women and girls, including Lord Jason's favorite mistress.

The battle seemed won as the Lannister line began to thin, but then a loud cry was heard above. Argella didn't need to look up to see that Aemond and the reinforcements from King's Landing had finally arrived. They had traveled day and night and finally, the real battle would begin.

Argella looks across the field where she saw Aliandra pulling her spear out of a man's chest. She looked at Argella and then up at the sky before giving her a nod that told her 'good luck.' Argella returned the gesture before making her way over to Vermithor as the dragon became aware of the older dragon's presence.

Argella ran through the field, chopping down anyone that crossed her path before climbing up on Vermithor's back. She takes a deep breath before giving Vermithor the order to take flight. The dragon ascends into the storm and Argella holds tightly to the reins.

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