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110 A.C.

ALAYNE HIGHTOWER WASN'T EXPECTING TO SEE BRANDON BARATHEON so soon after the heir's tourney which had ended in disaster, and yet here he was in the capitol once more at the side of his father who'd come to King's Landing to swear fealty to Rhaenyra. There were several lords who'd come to do the same, amongst those was her uncle, Hobert Hightower.

Though this time Brandon wasn't alone, his older brother Borros was also with him and as Alayne observed the pair of brothers, she found that Borros had the demeanor of an absolute imbecile.

"You are looking extra judgmental today," Alicent observes as she stands beside her sister.  After several days of avoiding each other, the sisters had one day silently agreed to pretend their little spat never happened.

"Have you seen Lord Boremund's eldest son?" Alayne asks her sister as she watches him bother one of the servant girls. Alicent follows her sister's gaze and notices the uneasy expression on the servant girl's face, "He's harassing those poor girls."

Alayne seems resolute as she tears her eyes away from the scene and looks at her sister, "I'm going to put a stop to it."

"Alayne," Alicent says, but it's too late. Alayne is already marching toward Borros and the servant girl.

"Excuse me!" Alayne says with a smile on her face, "My father, the Hand, has requested that you ensure all of the guests arriving at the Red Keep know where their chambers are. I'll take care of Lord Borros here."

The girl offers Alayne a relieved smile as she flees. Alayne watches them go with a satisfied smile before looking over at the eldest Baratheon son.

"Alicent, it's lovely to know that you're still a buzz kill," Borros states and Alayne quirks an amused brow.

"Alicent is over there," Alayne says as she points over to her sister. Alicent, who'd been watching the scene and noticed their eyes on them lifts her hand in an awkward wave. Borros waves back in confusion while Alayne waves to her sister enthusiastically.

"Alayne?" Borros says surprised as he looks at her.

Alayne's eyes scan over Borros, "You're a lot sleazier than I remember."

Borros chuckles at the comment, "You look exactly the same. Only now you're not covered in mud."

"Very funny," Alayne deadpans and Borros laughs at his own comment.

"Well since you ran off my entertainment I suppose you can entertain me," Borros tells her.

"What type of entertainment are you looking for?" Alayne asks as she looks around at the crowd that was gathering in the throne room.

As Alayne's eyes are elsewhere, Borros allows himself the opportunity to really look at Alayne. She certainly didn't look the same as when they were children. She had filled out in all of the right places. Her skin was pale and her lips full. He could understand why his brother had been eager to see her once more.

When Borros doesn't answer her question, Alayne looks over at him to find him staring at her and she frowns.

"My eyes are here," she orders.

"I have little interest in your eyes," Borros says as he continues his staring. Alayne reaches out and grabs his chin, forcing eye contact between them.

"I don't care what you have an interest in," Alayne says firmly, "My eyes are here."

Borros obeys the command and does meet Alayne's gaze. He offers her a sheepish smile, and she rolls her eyes as she releases him. Borros chuckles as he gently rubs at his chin and returns to his leering.

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