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134 A.C.

PRINCE DAEMON STILL HAD FRIENDS WITHIN THE GOLD CLOAKS IN THE CITY WATCH. THE MOMENT THAT THOSE MEN SAW CARAXES in the sky above the Red Keep, they opened the gates, allowing the combined strength of Dorne, the Riverlands, and the Stormlands to make their way through. A bloody battle was waged at the River Gate, but the troops pouring into the city and the gold cloaks loyal to Daemon defeated any Hightower knight that remained standing. King Aegon's remaining loyalists hid, fled, or bent the knee.

Daemon and Rhaenyra had come for her throne.

One by one, the dragons made their descent. Sheepstealer and Cannibal landed atop Visenya's Hill, Vermithor on the Hill of Rhaenys near the Dragonpit. Prince Daemon circled the towers of the Red Keep before landing Caraxes and climbing off the back of his dragon.

Otto Hightower made his way out of Maegor's Holdfast with Ser Tyland Lannisters, Lord Jasper Wylde, and Septon Eustance.

"Where is my daughter?" Daemon demands.

"She is safe," Otto responds, "Unharmed."

Daemon grunts at the response and look at the men. Traitors who'd all concocted the plan to steal Rhaenyra's throne.

Otto took a step forward toward Daemon and Caraxes craned his head toward him, daring him to step any closer. Daemon quirked a brow at Otto, daring him as well. Rhaenrya, who had been circling in the sky decided at the moment to land as well. She climbed off of Syrax and stared down Otto Hightower.

"Let us together summon the great council, as the Old King did in days of old," Otto states, "And lay the matter of succession before the lords of the realm."

"You must take me as a fool," Rhaenrya responds, "I know you may have forgotten your vow, but the other lords of Westeros have not. The lords of the Riverlands, Stormlands, North, the Vale, and Iron Islands support my claim. The Westerlands rejected me, now they burn."

Rhaenyra looks at Tyland, watching as his gaze drops to the ground.

"The choice is easy," Rhaenyra states, "Yield or burn."

"The city is yours, Princess," Otto relents, "But you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone but Prince Aemond will return with fire and blood."

Rhaenrya chuckles at the response and looks over at Daemon who wears a smile of amusement.

"I do not fear fire and blood," Rhaenrya responds, "And I certainly do not fear Aemond. He may ride the biggest dragon in the world, but what is one dragon compared to seven? One man cannot defeat a whole army."

The men searched the castle and they found Aegon's chambers empty. As were Helaena's but Rhaenyra knew that Alicent and Helaena had long fled with Jaehaera. Princess Baela had been found in the rooms that they had confined her to months ago and when her father saw her it is said that the Rouge Prince wept as he held his daughter in his arms and swore to never let her go again.

As the city was secured the war outside the walls still raged on. Prince Aemond had been outraged at his loss at Casterly Rock. He had led his troops back to the Riverlands where they would march to Harrenhal.

There was an army  riding down from the north as well to enter the conflict. Two thousand savage northmen, flying Queen Rhaenyra's banners. At their head rode the Lord of Barrowtown, Lord Roderick Dustin, a warrior so old and grey they called him Roddy the Ruin. Every man had grey grizzly beards and wore old chainmail and ragged skins and every man was a seasoned warrior. They called themselves the Winter Wolves. "We have come to die for our dragon queen," Roderick announced when Sabitha Frey greeted the host.

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