The Future Queen and King

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At long last. Charlie was prepared to fulfill her royal duties as princess by leveling up to queen. She and Alastor were engaged, with their wedding on the horizon. They had been through a lot. And now they were in the homestretch of becoming the next queen and king of Hell. They had steadily built a network of connections, allies, and friends along the way. After all, rulers had to have ones they could trust without question. Lucifer and Lilith planned on holding her coronation about a year after the wedding to give them time to settle down as a married couple.

As for the hotel, Charlie had altogether scrapped her original vision. While she still wanted to help demons live better lives, it had become clear that Heaven wasn't the answer. Her staff supported her new grand design. But it was too soon for the drastic changes. The transition was going to take longer than expected. The hotel was going to be temporarily be closed for many renovations. But it was possible. And they were all ready. Charlie's staff was behind her from the start. A few patients had even joined her. Things were going to be different when it reopened.

For now, Charlie could relax for a while. She had all her pieces in place. Manipulation truly did run in the family. Not that she was that kind of person. But her naturally sweet and innocent appearance made bringing others to her side easier. And, of course, she had her demonic powers and abilities at her disposal in case someone badmouthed her hotel or staff. She tried to be a forgiving person. And she happily gave a second chance. But that was one line she didn't let anyone cross. Charlie had grown up a lot after hearing the truth about Heaven from her uncle. She had even convinced her father to share some stories. As for her grandfather, she saw straight through the façade. She knew better. But all that was over. Charlie had a lot to look forward to. And the next step was reopening her hotel with a new agenda. Then it was ruling a new Hell.

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