« Wendigo » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP2 - Wendigo)

Alina, Dean, and Sam, took a break at a gas station, just a few miles away from the place indicated by John in his journal. They didn't know if they would find their parents there, but it was the only clue they had at the moment.

Alina had just stopped in the middle of an aisle, looking sadly at Sam from afar, still sitting in the passenger's seat of the Impala, staring into space. She hated to see him like that and just wanted to give him even a tiny bit of comfort, but after inspecting every corner of his apartment for a whole week, they simply hadn't find anything useful.
So she gave her friend all the space he needed during these difficult times, but was also beginning to lose her mind, seeing him wake up with fear every time he managed to close his eyes. She knew very well how nightmares could destroy a person.


Dean startled the young woman after trying to grab her attention three times already, getting a little closer to yell in her ear. He immediately bent over to catch the bag of chips she had dropped, then stood up, meeting the confused gaze of the young woman just a few centimeters from his. He only had to raise his arm to put the packet back in its place, just behind her, a mocking smile on his lips. "You've always been so clumsy, I wonder how you can hunt without shooting yourself. "

"I've never been clumsy, you were always too abrupt."

"Only because I liked to see you angry."

"Yeah, 'cause you're an idiot."

She had to slide under his still raised arm, after softly slapping his chest with a grin.
She continued to advance in the aisle, realizing that she was not really hungry. She just wanted to get out of the car for a few minutes to clear her mind. Dean followed her.

"Love the lipstick by the way." He pointed out, making her stop to glance at him, surprised.


"The lipstick." He repeated. "I thought you hated make up."

"Yeah, clearly a lot has changed in five years." She replied, failing to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

"What does that mean?"

She didn't want to let it out now, it had only been a little less than two weeks since her return. And she definitely didn't want more tension in the car. But his curious green eyes were already staring at her, not planning on letting her go without an explanation. She sighed. "Dean, I've been in touch with Sam almost every week for five years. But you would only send me an email once a year, asking if I was still alive, and not really bothering to answer when I was the one writing to you. I mean, come on man! No wonder you didn't even know I was dating a woman for six month!"

She instantly felt the cashier's gaze on her when he heard the last words. She turned to the young man that had to be her age, still pretty pissed at Dean, but also at him now. "Dude, get your own sex life!"

"Woah okay!" Dean stopped her as he shielded her with his body, and walked to the cashier to pay for their stuff. He obviously wasn't worried for her, he was scared of her and what she could do to that guy if he let her share a single look with him. He was fast to take his fake credit card when the poor guy gave it back to him, putting the food under his arm and grabbing Alina by the hand before he ran out with the angry woman.


"Dean?" She interrupted him while looking at him straight in the eye with determination, making him simply nod in silence. "Was our friendship really that easy to forget?"

He opened his mouth, saddened to see how much he had hurt the young woman by removing her from his life all this time, and sought his words carefully. Honestly, not a single day had passed in five years without him wanting to contact her, but she meant so much to him that he couldn't even concede how much he could also mean to her. And that she could still want him in her life even after the tragic events.

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