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(S1EP9 - Home)

Alina finished drying her hair with the now wet towel that she quickly threw on her shoulder, and for a short moment, she felt like she was losing her balance and had to grab the sink to stay on her feet. That wasn't the first time this happened to her. Three days had passed since the strange events of Kansas City and the dinner, and she felt like her head was about to explode every time she walked out of the motel rooms. It was the first time she had that kind of vertigo inside the room, but she was starting to get used to it. So she quickly shook her head to chase the headache away and grabbed her toothbrush, brushing her teeth when she walked out of the bathroom to find the brothers in the middle of a new argument. When she'd left them to go take a shower, Dean was trying to find a new job on the computer, and Sam was drawing something on his notebook. Nothing out of the ordinary. At least, nothing that could've justified another disagreement during the short amount of time she'd spent in the bathroom.

"Why would you think that?" Dean asked his brother.

"Uh...it's just, um....look, just trust me on this, okay?" He turned around to walk away, spotting Alina getting out of the bathroom. "Hey, we're leaving pack your stuff."

Alina wanted to question him on their next destination, but Dean was faster to get up and follow his brother around the room. "Wait, whoa, whoa, trust you?"


"Come on, man, that's weak. You gotta give me a little bit more than that."

"I can't really explain it is all."

"Well, tough. I'm not goin' anywhere until you do."

"Hold on guys." Alina stopped them when she realized that this wasn't just another disagreement. Something was wrong. Sam looked more worried than angry. "What's going on?"

The brothers both simply stared at her in silence, until Dean decided to give her an answer. "Sam wants to go back to our old home."

Alina frowned. She knew exactly what that meant, and couldn't understand why Sam would ever want to go back there. The house where their mom had died. Where everything changed for the three Winchesters still alive. Dean turned back to his brother, waiting expectantly for him to give him a valuable reason, while Alina simply gave him a confused look. "Why would you want that?" She asked him.

"Because..." He sighed, frustrated by the situation. "I think the people who live there might be in danger."

That was actually a good reason to go back, but Dean was right, it wasn't enough. It wasn't an explanation. And even if Alina wanted to interrogate him like his brother did, she kept a calm voice and a reassuring expression. "Okay...how would you know that?"

Sam sighed. He had to justify himself, but he didn't know how. So he started with the beginning. "I have these nightmares."

Dean nodded. "We've noticed."

"And sometimes...they come true."

Alina had to take a step back when she heard the last three words. She couldn't have heard him correctly. That wasn't happening...

"Come again?" Dean asked his brother, stunned by this new revelation.

"Look, Dean...I dreamt about Jessica's death, for days before it happened."

"Sam, people have weird dreams, man. I'm sure it's just a coincidence." He noticed the way Alina was looking at him when he sat on the bed. She clearly wanted to think like him, but she also couldn't believe in coincidences anymore.

"No, I dreamt about the blood dripping, her on the ceiling, the fire, everything, and I didn't do anything about it 'cause I didn't believe it. And now I'm dreaming about that tree, about our house, and about some woman inside screaming for help. I mean, that's where it all started, man, this has to mean something, right?"

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