« Bugs » - Part 2/2

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"Dad!" Alina suddenly woke up in an unknown place, panting and sweating from the dream she was already starting to forget. She knew it had something to do with her dad, and the secret her mom was keeping from her, but...what was it? Why did she feel so empty? Like she was now missing the most important part of herself that she didn't even know existed before that weird dream.

Her father's words were slowly becoming the echo of a forgotten memory, when the door in front of the young woman suddenly opened. In any other kind of situation, Alina would've acted right away after waking up in a room she didn't know. She would've put her guard on and searched for a weapon to defend herself against any possible danger. She was lucky that the one time she couldn't think about her own safety, the person entering the room was actually her old friend, Elias. He hadn't changed from the last time she'd seen him. He was still tall, not as tall as Sam, but slightly taller than Dean. His brown hair were probably a little darker than before, but his blue ocean eyes were the same. And of course, he still had the body of a real athlete. Alina had spent so much time drooling over him when she was a teenager...
He seemed focused on his notebook, until he raised his head and noticed that the girl sleeping in his bed was now awake. "Alina?"

Elias smiled and threw his notebook on his desk to go sit at the end of the bed and get a closer look at her. "Welcome back." He joked, still confused by the situation. "How do you feel?"

It wasn't the question that surprised Alina, but the way he'd asked it. Like he was expecting bad news. Why? And what was she doing in what she assumed was his bedroom? "What happened?"

"You don't remember? You were looking for your mom at my dad's shop. He gave you her number and..."

"I called her." Everything after that call was a big fuzzy cloud, but she couldn't believe she'd forgotten about her mom for a short amount of time. Her mom didn't want to see her. She knew what was troubling her daughter the most, and yet she refused to give her an answer. Alina was suddenly lost and tired again.

"So it didn't go well, huh?" Elias concluded from his friend's disappointed face. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm done looking for her, I've got better things to do now." And as if to show her determination, she pushed the bedsheets away from her and quickly stood up. "I'll answer my own questions."

She was already walking towards the door when Elias tried to stop her, by jumping between her and the exit. "Alina you fainted. My dad was so scared when he called me to come pick you up..."

"I'm fine Elias. Thanks for bringing me here, and letting me rest for a few hours. But I should really..."

She was interrupted by the sound of a doorbell being attacked. Whoever was there, clearly didn't have enough patience to let Elias chat with Alina any longer. And it was actually a perfect timing for the young man. "Saved by the bell." He sighed in relief and left the room to go welcome his guests. Alina first felt like she was already invading his space way too much, so she wanted to wait in the room for him to be done. It was his apartment after all. But then...

"Where is she? Where's Alina?!"

"Dean?" She frowned and quickly walked out of the room, to find Elias in the large living room, with the Winchesters. From the way her friend was trying to keep Dean away from the bedroom, something was wrong. She just couldn't understand why the boys were here, miles away from the place they were supposed to be. "What's going on?" The three men turned to her in an instant, and while she was still wondering why everyone was so agitated, Dean finally succeeded to walk around Elias and rush towards his friend with a worried look on his face. "Dean, what are you doing..." She lost her words when the hunter grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him, holding her tightly in his strong arms. Something was definitely wrong, but she couldn't think about anything in that position. She just loved his warmth so much. So she didn't react at first, until Sam's voice behind his brother brought her back to reality.

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