« Dead In The Water » - Part 1/3

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(S1EP3 - Dead In The Water)

« Non ! J'ai pas besoin que tu viennes ! » (No! I don't need you to come!)

« Ça fait bientôt un mois que t'es là-bas et t'as toujours rien trouvé concernant ta mère! Je veux juste t'aider Alina! » (You've been there for almost a month and you still haven't found anything about your mother! I just wanna help you Alina!)

« Crois-moi j'ai déjà bien assez d'aide ici. » (Believe me, I already have enough help here.)

« Les Winchesters? Comment ça se passe avec eux? » (The Winchesters? How's it going with them?)

Alina let out a long sigh, not knowing what to answer to this simple question from her friend. She glanced inside the Cafe where she and the brothers had stopped for lunch, and spotted the oldest, throwing a seductive smile at the seductive waitress named Wendy. Unfortunately for him, Sam returned and quickly brought him back to reality. Even from the outside, Alina could read the annoyance on Dean's face when the waitress left the two busy boys.

« Alina ? T'es toujours là ? » (Alina? Are you still here?)

Lucie's voice took the young woman out of her thoughts.

« Désolée j'étais en train de... » (Sorry I was just...)

She was suddenly able to read on the faces of her fellow travelers that they were arguing, and like most of their arguments, this one had to be about Sam's impatience to find their parents. Alina felt like she was spending her days preventing the brothers from killing each other. Obviously she wouldn't escape it today either.

« Lucie je suis désolée je dois aller m'occuper de Crétin 1 avant qu'il ne saute au cou de Crétin 2. » (Lucie I'm sorry I have to go take care of Moron 1 before he jumps to Moron 2's neck.)

« Attends, qui est qui ? » (Wait, who's who?)

« Ça dépend des jours. » (It depends on the days.)

She smiled when she heard the laughter of the friend she missed so much, but she also knew that she couldn't go home until she found her mother. No matter how long it would take.

« Je t'appelle bientôt, promis. » (I'll call you soon, I promise.)

« Surtout sois prudente Alina. » (Just be careful, Alina.)

« Je suis toujours prudente ! » (I'm always being careful!)

« Non tu l'es pas... » (No you're not...)

Alina smiled one last time before hanging up and going back inside, putting the phone back in her jacket. As she had predicted, she found the brothers in an agitated conversation. «I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?»

Alina decided that Sam rolling his eyes was the perfect moment for her to slide into the conversation. "What's up? Found anything in the newspaper?"

Dean was supposed to be looking for a new case near them in the newspaper, and even if she could very well see the article he had surrounded about the death of an 18-year-old girl in a lake, she still waited for his reply. After a few seconds of silence she laid her eyes on him, noticing that his were focused on the waitress' ass.

Alina sighed and the slap she gave him behind the head, immediately woke him up from his trance. "Come on Winchester! Can't you see she's not interested in you?"

"And how could you know that Frenchy?"

"Because if she was..." She put her hand in the back pocket of her jeans, and took out the paper napkin with numbers written on it in red, followed by a little heart. "She wouldn't have given me her number as soon as we arrived."

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