« Scarecrow » - Part 3/3

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"A Pagan god? You ever hunt one before?"

"No, but think about it. It all makes sense." Dean lied down in the bed of their motel room, trying to think about this case and what they'd seen earlier. "The couples disappearing every year like some sort of fertility ritual sacrifices, the town being 'blessed' while every other ones around are struggling with their farms and homes...I'm telling you, we're dealing with a Pagan god and the locals are offering him sacrifices every year to protect their town."

Alina was surprised of how much this all really made sense. She already knew about Dean's vast knowledge had about the hunting life, but she probably was surprised because usually Sam was the first to find the answers. It was impressive to see Dean acting with so much confidence about a theory for once, and she hadn't even realized she was smiling until he turned to her. She instantly dropped the smile and cleared her throat, sitting on the side of the large bed. Since Sam wasn't here, they'd picked a room with one bed instead of two. They both weren't sure to be totally comfortable like that, but none of them had objected at the reception. They wouldn't admit it, but they were so used to sleep in the same bed now, they didn't even know if they could fall asleep without the other right next to them.

"Okay so what do we do now? If you're right that means the cycle will end soon, we need to find a way to kill that thing before it hurts anyone else and disappears for another year."

"That's why I found a community college not too far from here. If someone there can give us the infos we need, we won't have to waste time on researches. I'll call tomorrow and try to get an appointment in the morning."

Alina had to fight against every muscles in her face not to smile again. Why was he so attractive right now? Why was she thinking about their kiss again? She had to think about something else. Talk about something else. The case, the car, even Sam...just something...

"So about that kiss..." Why? Why would she say that? Why?!

From the way Dean was sitting up on his bed and staring at her silently, she just knew she was screwed. She couldn't change the topic now. But she couldn't say the truth either, she couldn't tell him how much she'd enjoyed it...

"That was a good idea." She simply decided to compliment him, hoping he would just agree and forget about it.

"Yeah...but it was your idea to act like we were together. And it worked, we definitely saved that couple."

"Well you also fixed their car. That was impressive."

They stared at each other, completely mesmerized by the other's eyes, unable to look away even as the room was starting to get hotter.

However, Alina decided to break the eye contact after a long silence. "We should get some sleep now. We're killing a Pagan god tomorrow after all." She let out a little laugh and lied down just a few inches away from Dean. She couldn't touch him, but just feeling him right next to her was enough for the young woman to turn her back at him. She couldn't let him see her blushing face, especially when the only light in the room was on his nightstand. She felt his body also lying down, and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She just had to close her eyes to feel his hands on her waist, his lips against hers...

"Hey Frenchy?"

She almost jumped, terrified that she could've thought out loud. "Yeah?" She hesitantly replied.

"I just...I'm glad you're here. I don't know how much of what you said back at Scotty's was real, but...you also mean a lot to me..."

Alina's heart was aching. She wanted to cry, but at the same time felt so empty she didn't even think she'd be able to do it. Hearing this should've made her feel happy, but she was devastated.

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