« Original Story » - Part 2/2

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"So what do you think it is?" Dean asked, going through the article for the third time after taking another sip of his beer.

The hunters had drove for hours to get to the possible new hunt. For the past few months, people had been disappearing in this previously safe little town. There were no signs of break-in, or struggle. They'd simply vanished into the night.

"I don't know." Alina replied, sitting in front of him with her arms crossed. She'd quickly checked her surroundings once they'd entered the local bar, and definitely didn't like the place. "But I think we should go see the latest victim's house tonight."

"Tonight?" Sam was surprised by her proposition. "You mean you wanna break in?"

"Why not? There are no neighbors around the house, the police's done investigating the place, and we know there'll be no one inside. It won't take us more than half an hour to check the whole house."

The brothers shared the same astonished look. She'd obviously done her researches. "Okay." Dean finally agreed. "Let's just wait for a couple more hours. Make sure we don't get spotted on our way there."

"Fine by me."

Alina then kept looking around her, giving Sam the opportunity to stare at his brother expectantly. The Winchesters had an entire discussion with that simple and short eye contact. Obviously the youngest wanted Dean to start the conversation with Alina, try to get a little closer to her, but the eldest was hesitant because he had no idea of what he was supposed to do or say in this kind of situation. Flirting wasn't a new thing for him, but he was used to flirt with women who'd end up in his bed afterwards. That wasn't the plan with Alina. How could he flirt with her, without sounding like a total jerk?

But Sam's glances kept pressuring him until he eventually cleared his throat and turned to the girl with a shy smile. "So Alina...uh...let me buy you a drink while we wait."

"No thanks." She instantly refused, still looking at the place. "I never drink, I rather stay lucid, especially when I'm working on a case."

That was another thing she didn't share with the Alina they knew. And although Dean seemed pretty beaten up by that answer, Sam just kept insisting for him to continue. Which made the hunter roll his eyes before he turned to Alina once again.

"That's smart. Yeah...so...you wanna play darts?"

He tried to keep his soft grin when Alina finally put her full attention back on him, with a suspicious look on her face. She'd noticed his embarrassment pretty soon, and knew what this was about. "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"What?" Dean acted innocently. "No! I mean...I was just..." He was completely lost between Alina waiting for him to finish his answer, and Sam's eyes telling him to admit everything. And he quickly got tired of that little game. "Hey Sam? Why don't you go get us another round?"

Sam didn't want to leave in the middle of it. He didn't trust his brother to handle this by himself since Alina was still wary of him, and Sam was the only reason she hadn't killed him in that motel room. But he also knew that his presence wouldn't help them getting closer. They'd shared multiple moments without him during these past months that had led to them getting together. He needed to give Dean a chance, so he nodded after a short time and stood up. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah, take your time little brother." Dean gave him a fake warm smile that Alina noticed but didn't pointed out once Sam was gone. The two hunters watched him go to the bar and sit there, waiting for the barman to come take his order.

"Okay, look..." The eldest sounded more confident now that they were officially alone, and he wanted to be quick just in case his brother decided not to take his time. "Yeah I was flirting with you. Sam and I, we just thought that maybe...it would be a good way to remind you of who I am."

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