« Scarecrow » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP11 - Scarecrow)


Alina first thought she'd misheard that word because she was still half asleep, but Sam seemed as shocked as her.

"Are you hurt? We've been looking for you everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you were okay."

The Winchesters' friend quickly started to shake the sleeping brother next to her to wake him up. "Dean!" She whispered aggressively right next to his face. "Wake up!"

The hunter blinked a few times, unaware of the situation until he also heard his brother talking.

"We're fine. Dad, where are you?"

Dean was sitting up on the bed while Alina was too busy staring at his brother to look back at him.

"What? Why not?"

"Is that dad?"

Since Sam was too focused on the call to answer, Alina quickly nodded at Dean, noticing that he wasn't wearing the shirt he had on when she'd gone to sleep. She felt so stupid getting flustered in a moment like that, yet she successfully hid that as she spotted the shirt at the end of the bed. She took it as fast as she could to throw it on her friend, giving him an annoyed look before she heard Sam's next question.

"You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed mom."

It felt like John was taking an eternity to give him an answer, but then...

"A demon? You know for sure?"

The young woman's heart almost stopped at this word. A demon?

"A demon?" Dean instantly asked his brother. "What's he saying?"

That couldn't be true. Was he still talking about the thing that killed Mary? Why did it have to be a demon out of all the monsters in this world?

"You know where it is?" Sam kept ignoring his older brother. He needed to know. He needed to get his revenge. "Let us help."

And Alina got déjà-vu with his next question.
"Why not?"

John didn't want their help, just like her mom didn't want hers.

"Give me the phone." Dean gave an order that Sam once again chose to ignore completely. It was as if his brother wasn't even in the room.

The youngest Winchester looked confused and angry. "Names? What names? Dad...talk to me, tell me what's going on."

Alina could feel Dean's impatience and concern growing next to her, as he still had his hand lifted towards Sam, trying to reach out for the small device.

"No. Alright? No way." Sam protested, reminding Alina that no matter how much time they'd spent looking for him for the past months, Sam really still couldn't help but fight with his dad.

"Give me the phone!"

At this point she also wanted Dean to have it so Sam wouldn't push his father to hang up angrily. These two just couldn't have a normal conversation. So she was glad when Dean leaned over her to reach his brother and took the phone from him.

"Dad, it's me. Where are you?"

Alina watched him, silently waiting for the answer. But she wasn't actually surprised when his body suddenly tensed up at his dad's words, and his worried expression completely changed into the face of a perfect little soldier getting orders. "Yes, sir. Yeah, I got a pen."

Alina handed him the notebook and the pen that was on the nightstand next to her, before he even had time to ask for it. He didn't thank her either when he took them, his full attention was on his dad and the informations he was asking him to write down. "What are the names?"

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