« Faith » - Part 1/3

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(S1EP12 - Faith)

Alina was sitting on one of the chairs in the large white hallway, looking absently to the ground, unable to hear anything around her. She thought she'd seen Sam talking with two police officers, but couldn't get up from her chair without feeling like she was falling into a deep void. The same images were repeating themselves again and again in her mind. Her, outside the house with the two children they'd rescued the day before, waiting for her friends to come out once their work would be done. Yet, after a few minutes of waiting in the dark, she'd ended up going back inside the house to find the brothers in the basement. What she'd seen there would certainly haunt her for the rest of her life. She couldn't stop thinking about Dean's unconscious body, lying on the ground next to Sam, desperately shouting his brother's name to wake him up.

In that moment, even though she was in complete shock, Alina had quickly pushed Sam away from Dean, asking him to call an ambulance while she was doing CPR on her friend. She couldn't feel any pulse, but she had to try something. She couldn't stop crying, but he had to wake up...


The young woman blinked a few times like she was emerging from a nightmare when she heard Sam's voice. She looked up at him, standing next to her with the doctor they were waiting to see. She didn't know how long she'd been sitting there, but she felt like she could've stayed like that for hours if Sam hadn't called her name.

She gave her friend a faint smile as she stood up to face the doctor, holding Sam's hand like they were both trying to stay strong for the other. Sam did most of the talking, and Alina listened to the man as he told them about Dean's massive heart attack, caused by the electrocution. He was resting now, but his heart was damaged.

"How damaged?" Sam asked when he felt Alina squeezing his hand a little harder in apprehension.

"We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point. But, I'd give him a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month."

Alina closed her eyes and let go of Sam's hand as she took a few steps away from them. She was facing a wall now, but she could still hear their discussion.

"No, no. There's...there's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment."

"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry."

Sam was upset, but couldn't leave his friend alone. He didn't add anything, simply went to put his hand on Alina's shoulder, making her turn around to face him. But she just kept her head down. She didn't look like she was about to cry, she just looked empty.

"Come on Alina. Let's go see him." When she didn't respond, he put his hand on her back to gently push her towards Dean's hospital room.

They found him lying in his bed, watching TV like nothing was wrong. But his face was pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes that couldn't be ignored. He kept his eyes on the TV when the two hunters entered the room, so he couldn't see the way Sam was trying to hold back his tears, nor how much Alina's hands were shaking.

"Have you ever actually watched daytime TV? It's terrible." His voice was weak, and it just made Alina feel worse. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be back on the road with her friends, she wanted Dean to live.

Sam was the only one to answer his question by simply shaking his head, before sighing with sadness. "We talked to your doctor."

Dean still refused to look at them. "That fabric softener teddy bear. Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down."

Alina simply scoffed, furious and feeling completely hopeless. She then went to stand in front of the window, trying to distract herself from the pain she was experiencing. And if she couldn't even do that, she at least didn't want Dean to see her cry.

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