« Scarecrow » - Part 2/3

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The two hunters were pretty relieved of how short the drive back to town was. They weren't uncomfortable, just slightly flustered and unable to start a new conversation without thinking about what had happened back at the orchard. And right now they couldn't get distracted.

"You're back." Emily welcomed them once they stopped at the little gas station and got out of the car.

"Never left." Dean replied in a friendly way.

"Still looking for your friends?"

They nodded before Dean asked her to fill up the car, wanting to interrogate her a little more. She seemed to be the only person willing to give them all the informations they needed. So she told them she'd came here when she was 13, after losing her parents in a car accident. Her aunt and uncle had taken her in and sounded like nice people, just like the rest of the town. Maybe everything was a little bit too nice.

"So, what, it's the perfect little town?" Dean disguised his suspicions behind a joking tone.

"Well, you know, it's the boonies. But I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here, it's almost like we're blessed."

The hunters shared the same intrigued look. If couples went missing every years in this town, it couldn't be blessed. It had to be something much darker, something they had to stop.

"Hey, you been out to the orchard? You seen that scarecrow?" Dean kept questioning the girl.

"Yeah, it creeps me out."

Alina faked a laugh and nodded. "Right? I mean...I was probably way more scared than the birds. Whose is it?"

"I don't know. It's just always been there."

And again, a new clue that something was wrong with the whole vibe of this perfect little town.

Alina was about to go back in the car when Dean suddenly frowned at the red van parked by the garage. "That your aunt and uncle's?"

"Customer. Had some car troubles."

Alina stopped moving with her hand frozen on the door handle. And Dean had the same worried expression on his face when she turned to him.

"It's not a couple, is it? A guy and a girl?"

And when Emily confirmed their biggest fear, they knew it was now a matter of time before another couple disappeared. It couldn't happen, not while they were here to prevent it from happening.

A few minutes later, the Impala was now parked in front of Scotty's Café where the new victims were waiting for their car to get fixed. Dean and Alina were about to enter the place to try and convince the couple to leave as soon as they could, but before they even reached the porch, Alina's phone started ringing in her jacket. She was about to turn it off until she saw the caller ID and smiled. "It's Sam."

She noticed the way Dean's body slightly moved towards her, clearly interested by the incoming call, but the moment Alina's eyes met his, he got back to his stubborn self and started walking towards the Café again. "Just hurry, okay?"

Alina watched him pass the Café's door, rolled her eyes and finally picked up the phone. "Hey Sam."

"Hey, I was about to hang up. I hope I'm not interrupting your case."

She wasn't comfortable leaving Dean handle the conversation alone with the couple in danger, but she also had to have a little faith in the guy. She needed to make sure Sam was alright. "No, of course not. I would've called you anyway, how are you? Where are you?" She went to lean against the hood of the Impala.

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