« The Benders » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP15 - The Benders)

Alina let out a huge sigh of frustration when she threw her bag on the back seat of the Impala. She noticed Dean and Sam walking out of the building at the same time, dressed as state troopers. They'd put on their best disguises to interrogate the only eye witness of the latest disappearance in this new case they'd found.

The young woman crossed her arms and leaned against the car as the brothers were walking towards her, and couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked. Like two children playing cops with they're fake uniforms. Alina didn't want to admit it, but she had that so unoriginal thing for men in uniforms. And of course, Dean in uniform was a completely different level of hotness.

"So whatcha got, officers?" Alina asked in a playful tone, making the boys smile when they reached her.

"Not much." Dean replied, joining Alina against the side of the Impala. "Kid was up late watching Godzilla..."

"Which one?"

Sam rolled his eyes at her question, since his brother had already made fun of him about that during the interrogation. "That's not relevant to the case, Alina."

"It is. I'd be more inclined to trust a kid with good taste."

"It's just a movie!" Sam complained, which gave her a huge clue. If he was already annoyed by the subject, that meant Dean had already brought it up when they were inside.

"Godzilla Vs. Mothra, uh?" She concluded with a smile.

"How'd you know?" The brothers asked in chorus, shocked by her correct guess.

"Really? You've been arguing over this ever since the remake came out and Sam had the audacity to like it." She'd always shared Dean's opinion on the subject, but she also thought that never ending fight was stupid. "Anyway, so what did the boy see?"

The Winchesters shared the same smile. The only thing they could agree on, was how much Alina meant to them. She'd always been here, and she had to be the only person on Earth that knew them so well. Dean nodded proudly and resumed his story. "Well he didn't see the thing, but he saw it grabbing Mr Jenkins and pulling him underneath the car. He said there was this whining growl as the monster left with the guy."

Alina frowned at this. She wished she'd found something to prove this theory of a monster abducting people. But...

"You found anything?" Sam asked once he noticed how frustrated she looked.

"Unfortunately no. We're in the middle of town, in the middle of the day, so no EMF meter, no night vision...I did try the infrared thermal scanner, but there's nothing left from that night."

"And what about your...other supernatural detector?"

Alina tried not to smile at Dean's hesitation. He was still afraid of saying something wrong that could offend her, and she didn't want to mock him for this. At least he was trying.

"Well I could be wrong because I still don't really know how to turn it on...or off, but I don't feel anything out of the ordinary here. At least nothing that could be our kind of problem. But again, I could be wrong."

Dean didn't like the way she sounded so unsure. She couldn't doubt herself like that, so he turned to his brother with a sudden, serious look on his face. "Yeah Sammy, I'm not sure about this either."

Sam was the one who'd found this new case, and he just couldn't leave before checking it out more.

Alina knew that, and her natural supportive instincts forced her to agree on staying in town for a little longer. "Alright, well I don't think we'll get anything useful today, so how about we get some rest and investigate a little more tomorrow?"

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