« Shadow » - Part 1/3

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(S1EP16 - Shadow)

"All right, Dean. This is the place." Sam told his brother as they proceeded towards the apartment of a potential supernatural victim. She'd been killed a week ago, but when her body had been found a few days later, the police had been surprised to find her windows locked, and the chain still on the door. The alarm was on the entire time, so no human could've done this without getting spotted. No human...

"You know, I've gotta say dad and me did just fine without these stupid costumes." Dean complained, dressed as an employee of the alarm company with his name written on his uniform. Sam didn't seem to mind having to dress up like that, but he couldn't just let it go so easily. "I feel like a high school drama dork." The eldest smiled at the memories he had of his brother. "What was that play that you did? What was it...'Our Town'. Yeah, you were good, it was cute."

"Look, you wanna pull this off or not?"

"I'm just saying, these outfits cost hard-earned money, okay?"


"Ours. You think credit card fraud is easy?"

Sam rolled his eyes, wishing his best friend could be there right now. Dean wouldn't complain that much if she was really there with them, but she was currently at the police station, trying to gather as much informations as she could on the case. The youngest Winchester suspected his brother to be in such a bad mood because he hadn't been able to see Alina in her police officer uniform before she'd left the room. Sam was to blame for that. He just didn't want the two hunters to get all distracted again by each other while they had to focus on this new case.

"You think she'll be fine?" Dean asked right before entering the building.

"It's Alina. I'm more concerned for the real police."

They shared an amused smile and joined the landlady inside. She gave them access to the apartment now that the police was done with the place, and told them about how she'd been the one finding Meredith's body. Her work had called after she'd missed a few days, and after knocking on the door to check up on her, the landlady had noticed the smell.

They already knew about the apartment being entirely locked from the inside when Meredith had been found, but there was another problem now. Nothing was damaged here. No overturned or broken furnitures, no signs of struggle. But the body was in pieces, like she'd been killed by a wild animal.

The moment the brothers were left alone in the apartment, Dean opened the toolbox he was carrying with him and grabbed the EMF Meter. "So, a killer walks in and out of the apartment. No weapons, no prints, nothing."

"I'm telling you, the minute I found that article, I knew this was our kind of gig."

The EMF Meter started to beep frantically at the same time, proving that something unusual had happened here. "I think I agree with you." Dean pointed out, almost jumping when he heard the keys in the front door once again. He put his EMF Meter behind his back, sharing a frown with Sam. The landlady had agreed to let them look around, why would she be back already.

"Here officer."

"Well we're sorry for bothering you again."

The hunters sighed in relief when they recognized Alina's voice in the entrance, talking with the landlady in her serious and professional tone.

"Oh it's no problem. Just find the whack job responsible for this, alright?"

"Sure ma'am." Alina smiled at the woman and entered the place. Even when she heard the door closing behind her, she stayed in character once she found the boys in the living room. Her grin widened at the sight of Dean in his uniform, but she didn't want to give him the pleasure of getting flustered so easily. She kept her firm look, with her hands on her waist. "Hi, I'm officer Johnson, I was sent here to make sure you two idjits don't temper with our crime scene."

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