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To start their investigation, the three hunters decided to pay a visit to John Winchester's old partner at the garage they used to own together. Pretending to be cops re-opening unsolved cases like the 'Winchester disappearance', they interrogated the man about that night, 22 years ago. Alina did most of the questioning since she didn't want Dean to feel uncomfortable, and she just knew how pushy Sam could be about that case. At first, the man didn't have any useful information to give besides John being stubborn, loving Mary and his kids...there was nothing he could tell them about the night of the incident. Until...

"Oh, he wasn't thinking straight. He said something caused that fire and killed Mary."

"He ever said what did it?" Dean asked him, trying to keep a straight face.

"Nothing did it. It was an accident, an electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something. I begged him to get some help, but...."

"But what?"

"Oh, he just got worse and worse. I told him not to listen that friend of his..."

Alina already knew who he was talking about, but still had to confirm it. "What friend?"

"I can't remember his name but...he and his wife had a kid the same age as John and Mary's youngest one. The four of them were pretty damn close, and I think that's why he just let himself get manipulated by these two after Mary died."

Alina had to fight the urge to defend her parents from a stranger, claiming they had manipulated someone they cared about. She hid her fist behind her back and ignored the eyes of her worried friends next to her. "Why would you think that?"

"It's just...John came here one day, told me his friend introduced him to a palm reader in town and...he started reading these strange old books. Said this guy opened his eyes about the world and was gonna help him find out what happened to Mary."

The young woman couldn't believe these new informations about her dad. How could she not know about this? The boys noticed how troubled she looked and Dean decided to take the lead from that moment. "You mentioned a palm reader. Do you have a name?"

And since he didn't, the hunters' next stop was the nearest payphone where Sam started looking through a phonebook. Dean was standing next to the car with a confused Alina. He watched his friend biting her nails, trying desperately to remember any detail about what that garage owner had told them about her parents. "Hey, you okay?" He asked her, finally getting her attention as she stopped staring at the ground anxiously.

"What? Yeah, I just don't understand. I didn't even know my dad knew a palm reader here, so the fact that he could've been the one introducing yours to the hunting life...why didn't he tell me?"

"We were kids Alina. Grown ups don't tell everything to their kids."

"I know but something's wrong Dean. Ever since we arrived, when I try to think about my past it all just feels...incomplete."

Dean was about to comfort her, since he didn't want her to get another headache trying to force herself to remember too hard, but Sam interrupted their conversation when he found what he was looking for in the phonebook. "All right, so there are a few psychics and palm readers in town. There's someone named El Divino. There's...there's the Mysterious Mister Fortinsky. Uh, Missouri Moseley..."

"Wait wait, Missouri Moseley?" Dean stopped him. That name also sounded familiar to Alina but she just couldn't remember why. She noticed Dean going into the backseat of the car to pull out John's journal. "In dad's journal...here, look at this." He opened it to the first page and handed it to his brother. "First page, first sentence, read that."

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