« Asylum » - Part 2/2

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Alina watched Kat as she was desperately banging on the door, and could hear Dean trying to pull it open on the other side. "Alina!"

"Dean!" She yelled back to let him know they were fine.

"Let me out! Please!"

"Kat!" Dean called the girl's name to reassure her. "Hang on!"

Alina heard loud noises coming from the other side, and she knew it was Dean smashing at the door with something. Kat slowly backed up, waiting for the door to finally open but Alina couldn't share her optimism. She put her arm around the girl to comfort her. "Dean! It's the spirits, they're keeping us inside!"

"I don't care, Frenchy! I'm getting you out of here!"

Alina couldn't help but smile at the way he'd used her nickname because he wanted to make the situation look less concerning than it actually was. He used to do that a lot when they were kids.

Unfortunately, her smile dropped when she heard someone breathing heavily behind her and Kat. The girls turned around to see no one standing there, but the fact they both had the same reaction indicated they'd heard the same thing.

"Alina?! Talk to me!" Dean was still banging on the door and didn't like the girls' sudden silence. "Alina! Kat!"

But just as they once again turned around to respond, they saw the spirit now standing in front of the door and Kat screamed in horror. Alina pulled the girl away from the tall man with dark oily hair and a disfigured face, shielding her with her own body. "It's okay Kat. I got you."

"Alina what's going on?!"

"The spirit's here!" The moment she said that, the man in front of her vanished. But she was used to this so she didn't hesitate to turn around and see the spirit standing behind Kat. "Kat don't look! Stay behind me!"

The girl screamed once again and ran behind Alina who had her arms raised on each side of her body to prevent the spirit from approaching the girl. She was disgusted by the vision in front of her, but she couldn't be scared. Not when she had to protect someone.

Sam ran down the hall to Dean with Gavin when he saw his brother struggling with the door. "What's going on?!"

"They're inside with one of them!" Dean was still trying to kick the door open but it just wouldn't budge. "Damn it! Alina's alone in there, we gotta get her out!"

"Help me!" They heard Kat's voice behind the door.

"Kat!" Gavin called her instantly.

Sam took his brother's place in front of the door, knowing what they had to do. "Alina?! You hear me?!"

"Sam! It just keeps appearing and disappearing and I don't have my freaking gun!"

Dean was relieved to hear her voice but he was scared of what could happen to her without him or Sam by her side. Missouri had told them that as long as she stayed connected to this world, the spirits wouldn't be able to hurt her. But she was out of practice, and after seeing the orbs in the hallway surrounding her only when the brothers weren't near her, he wasn't sure she'd be able to keep that connection while being locked in a room with a spirit.

"Alina listen to me!" Sam tried talking to his friend with a calm voice, even though he was afraid for her too. "It's not going to hurt you! You've got to face it."

Dean turned to his brother, astonished by his advice. "She's gotta what?!"

"We have to what?!" Kat shouted from inside the room.

"These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it."

"Hey hold on!" Dean pushed his brother away from the door. "Alina could get hurt right now!"

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