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They all went back to Missouri's house to get what they needed. They gathered different herbs and roots, putting them into small bags that would go inside the walls in the north, south, east, and west corners on each floor of the house. Alina was feeling better now that she was away from that place, but she knew it wouldn't last long since they were about to go back there at night. She just couldn't wait for it all to end.

"And this'll destroy the spirits?" Sam asked Missouri, obviously still a little skeptic.

"It should. It should purify the house completely. We'll each take a floor, Alina I don't want you alone there even for a second."

"She'll stay with me." Dean confirmed before Alina could choose between him and his brother, which made everyone look at him in amusement. And Dean didn't like that at all. "What?"

Alina was tired, but not too tired for her favorite activity : Making fun of Dean Winchester. "Well I didn't think you wanted to hold my hand so bad Winchester."

"I don't...I'm doing this for you Frenchy! If you don't want my help, just say it!"

Sam also couldn't let this opportunity go away without embarrassing his brother. "Woah, aren't you being a little too defensive Dean? You know friends can hold each other's hands, right? Unless..." Dean didn't let him finish as he quickly kicked his brother's leg under the table with his foot, making the youngest one close his mouth to hold back a groan of pain. And he just stared at his brother like he was about to murder him.

"Alright that's enough boys." Missouri stopped the fight before it even started, giving Alina a discreet smile that the brothers didn't notice. "Let's focus on our task tonight. Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are gonna get bad. So we better work fast."

It was going to be another long night...


Dean and Alina took the first floor while Sam was upstairs, and Missouri in the basement. The eldest Winchester was hitting the third wall of this floor while Alina was waiting next to him with the two little bags of herbs left in her hands. The moment the hole was made, Dean turned to Alina with worried eyes that simply made the girl sigh. "Dean..."

"What? What's wrong? You're feeling something?"

"Yeah. The urge to punch you if you keep asking me if I'm okay." She threw the bag in the hole and left to go in the kitchen, the last spot. And of course, Dean didn't wait too long to follow her like he was her shadow.

"I just wanna make sure you don't get hurt."

"I know, and I actually thought it was adorable when we were still working on that first wall. Now it just sounds like a creepy obsession." She stopped next to the last wall and didn't even look at Dean when he leaned towards the surface and started punching it with his small ax.

"Well I'm not gonna apologize for that." Just at that moment, Alina felt a headache coming and knowing what it meant, quickly checked her surroundings with her guard on. "You'll thank me later, Frenchy."

But she didn't. She was too busy pulling him down with her, right before a knife hurled itself into the cabinet in front of which his head used to be. When he realized what was happening, he grabbed the table to knock it over and place it in front of them. They got closer to each other so the small shield would protect them both, and watched as more knives came through it. Since the weapons were now useless, it was time for the fridge door to open next to them, and everything inside of it started to fly towards the friends. "The bag!" Dean shouted while they were ducking every attacks, and the two hunters stood up as fast as they could, Dean holding the table in front of him to protect the girl behind him from the knives while she threw the small bag of herbs into the hole.

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