« Nightmare » - Part 2/2

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Alina had decided to let the brothers handle the conversation with Max. They'd put their priest costumes back on, so she thought her presence now would look suspicious. And that Max would probably open up more easily without a woman in the room. So she waited for the brothers' return in the Impala, relieved to see them walk out of the house after what felt like hours. She wasn't used to be left alone for so long anymore.

They told her about Max's weird attitude when he mentioned his old house. He seemed scared, so Alina was relieved she'd stayed outside this time, her Empathy was just getting more and more out of control. Clearly, the young Miller was hiding something by pretending everything was totally normal in his family. So once the hunters quickly found the Millers' old address, they decided to pay a visit to their old neighbors, to get as much informations as possible.

Less than two hours later, they were already talking to someone that could give them some answers.

"Have you lived in the neighborhood very long?" Sam asked the man in his front yard, as the three hunters were standing on the footpath.

"Yeah, almost 20 years now. It's nice and quiet. Why, you looking to buy?"

"No, no, actually, we were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street I believe."

"Yeah the Millers. They had a little boy called Max." Dean added.

And so they found out about the not so perfect Millers. They learned about Jim Miller's alcoholism, the way he used to yell and throw things across the street, but more importantly how he used to hit his poor son. Max would often be seen with bruises, broken arms...

And apparently Roger, who used to live next door, was as violent as his brother with Max. Now Alina knew why she'd felt so much hatred coming from the pictures of the three of them. It was Max. She couldn't believe all these negative emotions could come from one single human being, but after what he'd been through, it was more than understandable.

"But the worst part was the stepmother." The man kept talking about the Millers. "She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good."

The hunters shared the same look. That was such a difficult situation, they weren't expecting things to go that way.

"Now you said step-mother." Dean pointed out, and the other two realized that the man was in fact talking about Ms Miller.

"I think his real mother died. Some sort of...accident. Car accident I think."

Alina wanted to ask more, but she suddenly noticed from the corner of her eye, the way Sam raised his hand to his head as if he was in pain.

"Are you ok there?" The man asked him, also worried about his sudden behavior.

Sam tried to nod in order to reassure him, but still kept wincing. Dean instantly put his arm in front of Alina, knowing she was about to go check on her friend. He couldn't let her get closer, not after what happened last time.

"Thanks for your time." He told the man who'd helped them a lot, and already started to walk away, supporting his little brother who once again lifted his hands to his head.

They only had time to reach the Impala, when Sam suddenly looked up and froze. Alina waved her hand in front of him, but he just kept staring absently in front of him, which brought even more concern to his friend and his brother still holding him.

"He's having a vision." Alina said in a panicked voice. "What do we do?!"

"I don't know! You're the psychic!"

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