« Dead In The Water » - Part 3/3

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When the police finally arrived, Jake was so upset by the death of the last Carlton, that he let another officer question the hunters while he examined the lake with his team. The man taking their testimony was pretty attractive, seemed to be Dean's age, and Alina wouldn't have hesitated to flirt with him, if she wasn't so demoralized by the death of Bill Carlton, and exhausted from her fight against Peter Sweeney.

"So when the boat vanished, we both jumped in the lake to try and save Mr Carlton. But as you can see it wasn't our biggest success." Explained an annoyed Dean, noticing from the beginning, the interested looks that the officer was throwing at his friend. She had removed her heavy jacket, revealing her transparent soaked tank top, and the white bra underneath.

He tried to stay calm for as long as he could, but ultimately lost patience as the man wasn't even pretending to take notes anymore. "Hey buddy?"

The officer kept looking at Alina for a short moment before turning to look at Dean.

"She's not hiding the boat in her breast. So are we done?"

The embarrassed young man, couldn't find a way to defend himself against Dean's accusations. So he simply nodded and left to report to the Sheriff.

Alina and Sam immediately stared at Dean, stunned by the way he had just spoken to the officer. "Why do you always have to act like that in front of the police?" His brother blamed him.

"Why did you let him stare at Alina like that for so long?"

"Maybe 'cause Alina's a big girl, who knows how to handle herself without me having to defend her honor like a total idiot."

"Okay chill guys." Alina stopped them. "Don't you think we've got more important things to think about right now?"

The Sheriff returned at the same time, informing the three witnesses that he wasn't done with them. They therefore had to follow him to the police station, in a silent Impala. Obviously, being asked at the police station by the Sheriff himself couldn't be good news, even if they were innocents.

When they all got there, they found Andrea and Lucas inside, waiting for Jake's return.

"Sam, Dean, Alina." The woman immediately stood up and put the bag and container she was holding, on her chair. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"So now you're on a first-name basis." Her father pointed out. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you dinner."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't really have the time."

"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?"

Alina and Dean gave her a sorry look. Unable to reassure her at the moment.

"Right now we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home."

At his last words, Lucas instantly looked up and whined. Alina's guilt came back when she met his scared eyes. The little boy jumped up and grabbed Dean and Alina's arms.

"Lucas, hey, what is it?" Dean worriedly asked.

Alina couldn't say anything. She felt how terrified he was, and didn't know how to comfort the poor kid.

"Lucas, it's okay. It's okay." Dean told him as Andrea tried to grab her son. "Hey, Lucas, it's okay."

His mom was finally able to pull him away from them and led him outside. Alina realized she was frozen in place as she was watching Lucas leaving, refusing to look away from the two hunters. Something was wrong, but for some reason, she couldn't even understand her own thoughts on the matter.

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