« Phantom Traveler » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP4 - Phantom Traveler)

Alina was waiting for Sam in the car while he was getting coffees and pastries for the breakfast. She went through the cassettes collection for the 100th time, and was about to give up, when another cassette fell out of the glove compartment. It was as if it hadn't been used in a very long time.
When Sam finally came back, he surprisingly found his friend with a big smile on her face. "You look cheerful."

Alina proudly showed him the cassette, almost in tears from the nostalgia. "He kept it!"

Sam recognized the name 'Pat Benatar', and immediately understood what made her smile like that. When they were younger and Alina would woke up first, she used to play the music "We Belong", and sang it at full volume in order to wake them up in the greatest chaos. She never hesitated to jump on the beds and smash pillows on their faces, which always succeeded to enrage the half asleep Dean.
Of course, she hadn't chosen this song randomly, since it was her parents' favorite. When they weren't singing it to each other, they very often danced alone in the living room to the music that had thus been, the melody of the young woman's childhood.
And even though she hadn't listened to it ever since her father's death, she couldn't help but smile at the good memories associated to it.

"You're okay?" Sam asked after a short moment of silence between the two of them.

"Yeah. I just miss this, you know? Our childhood, my dad...my mom. It wasn't perfect, but it was more than enough."

She then stayed silent again, staring at the cassette a little longer before turning to Sam. He was looking at her with sad eyes. And before she could ask him the same question, he simply handed her a cup of coffee with a smile, and started the engine. Their sleeping disorders made them often wake up around the same time, so they had decided this morning to go and buy breakfast together.

So when they got back to their motel room, they weren't surprised to find Dean still in his bed, looking at them with one closed eye.

"Morning, sunshine." Sam declared as he waived the coffees and pastries in front of his brother's bed.

"What time is it?" Dean asked in a grumpy voice that Alina recognized all too well.

From the way his body was slowly relaxing from its tensed up position when they had entered the room, she knew he'd been surprised by their arrival. He'd probably started to grab the knife under his pillow until he finally got to see them.

"Uh, it's about five forty-five."

"In the morning?"

"I didn't know you were so good at maths." Alina sarcastically answered with her mouth full of donuts.

"Okay, I'll be back in two or three hours." He replied as he laid back on the bed.

Alina shook her head in disbelief, but Sam grabbed her attention when he suddenly left the room. She frowned and waited a few minutes before he was back with a small radio cassette player, and the piece of nostalgia she had found earlier in the car. She didn't know where the radio was coming from, but she couldn't care less as the sight lighted up her mood. She quickly put the cassette inside the player and let the music begin in a low volume, slowly turning it up with each steps that was getting her closer to her sleeping friend. "Don't want to leave you really. I've invested too much time." She sang in a soft voice.

"To give you up that easy..." She leaned over Dean's sleeping face, and suddenly shouted. "To the doubts that complicate your mind!"

Dean woke up in a jump, as Alina was now standing up next to him on his bed. "We belong to the light! We belong to the thunder!"

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