« Wendigo » - Part 2/2

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Night had already fallen when Dean finished drawing the symbols. The campfire was burning, and Alina felt reassured to be able to grill the wendigo if he only tried to approach her again. Haley and Ben were taking care of maintaining the fire, while Roy was still making fun of the hunters and their methods, receiving yet another sarcastic remark from Dean. Alina was sitting on a rock when the hunter approached her with a first aid kit he had found in one of the abandoned tents. "Come on Frenchy. You didn't let me clean it up but I'm pretty sure your mom'll kill me if it gets infected."

"I've had worse Dean. It's okay, I just..."

She didn't get to finish, he crouched in front of her and maintained her leg still as she was trying to stand up. "Keep moving and I'll tie up to that rock."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Sure you would."

She smiled and watched him as he took out the bandages from the kit and began to wrap it around the wound to protect it. "That's why hunters don't wear shorts Frenchy."

"You kidding? I'd rather get hurt than let a wendigo tear one of my precious jeans."

"I'd buy you a hundred jeans if it meant you not getting hurt."

"I don't see you yelling at Sam every time he gets a scratch."

"That's different."

"How come?"

"He'd already be too busy complaining about hurting himself. I wouldn't be able to say anything."

The bandages done, he looked up just at the right time to see the young woman laugh. "You're annoying. But thank you Winchester."

He nodded, and completely sat on the ground in front of her. After a short time, she thought about the conversation they had earlier, and realized that now was the good moment to apologize, so she took a deep breath, and spoke. "By the way, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. And that you've been blaming yourself all this time."

"No, you were right, Winchesters aren't good at emotions." He said the last words while sadly looking at his brother.

Sam was sitting alone, away from the group. Alina remembered his sudden outburst with Roy, and just wanted to go talk to him, and tell him it was normal to feel that way. She was angry all the time, and was normally good at hiding it, but people like Roy just made it hard sometimes.
Of course, being a Winchester wouldn't help either. She thought about their dad, and felt a knot forming in her throat. "You know, I did blame John for the first two years." She admitted, making Dean raise his head to her in silence. "I mean it's true, I needed to blame someone for what happened that day. And since I couldn't blame you, it felt natural to blame him. But then he started to write me letters."

"Wait...dad sent you letters? When? For how long?"

She kept herself from laughing at his genuine reaction. It was like telling a kid he had just missed Santa because he had fallen asleep on the couch while waiting for him.
It was cute in a Winchester kinda way. But she remembered pretty well having a similar reaction, when she received the message from John Winchester in her mailbox.

"He sent me five letters over the past four years. I was too mad at him to read the first one when I got it, but a year after that he sent me another one and I decided to read them. Surprisingly, he was apologizing, which made me realize that I wasn't really mad at him, because he couldn't have done anything to stop my dad from going on that hunt. That's every hunter's fate, we do what we do, knowing damn well that it could be our last time doing it."

Dean listened to her, lost in the flow of emotions in his head. His dad had actually took the time to write to someone? And to apologize?!

"He also told me a lot about Sam and college, specifically that he wasn't able to look after him anymore and that it pissed him off."

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