« Bloody Mary » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP5 - Bloody Mary)

Alina was disgusted by the hands of her new victim. Every time they began to slide along her thighs, the young woman had to resist the urge to catch them and break each fingers one by one. She was therefore relieved to be able to take action when she saw the man in his early 40s, finish his fifth beer of the night in one go. She pretended to observe her surroundings, and stopped her eyes at the dart board close to them. She then excitedly clapped her hands and smiled like an innocent girl. "Is that the game with the little arrows? I've always wanted to play that! Can you teach me? Please!"

Her imploring eyes managed to seduce the man who immediately got up from his chair, like a hero about to accomplish his duty, and gestured to Alina to follow him. He quickly picked up the darts from the board, and joined Alina behind the oche. He immediately slid behind her, wrapped one arm around her waist, and Alina rolled her eyes when she felt his coarse beard brushing against her cheek. That guy smelled really bad. But she endured and let him put a dart in her hand, to slowly guide it and help her throw. From the way they were standing, and the roughness in the man's hand, the dart should've at least landed on the outer ring area, but Alina managed to aim for a triple. When the dart hit the board, she jumped out of the man's arms and clapped her hands in excitement again. "Woah you're so strong! That was amazing!"

Alina giggled like a naive girl and put her hands on the man's chest. "I wonder what else you're strong at."

Her victim let out a loud laugh, and just as he was leaning over to kiss her, they were interrupted by another man's voice. "Nice shot!"

They turned around and faced the newcomer. "Nice lady too." Alina couldn't help but smile at Dean Winchester's seductive wink. She was finally enjoying this moment. "Mind if I give it a shot?" He asked the man, clearly angry from the interruption.

Alina gave Dean an unimpressed look. "You think you can do better than him?"

"Oh sweetheart you have no idea."

His smile... Alina shook her head in amusement and turned back to the man with the same puppy eyes as before. She was tempting him again, and succeeding again. His male pride was in danger because of that new young guy, and he couldn't refuse the challenge in front of the hot girl he was about to bring home.

"You know what?" Dean added when he felt they were about to win. "50 bucks I can make her hit the bull's-eye."

Alina faked a mocking laugh, and the now confident man joined her. "Let's make it a 100 bucks. And if you make her hit the bull's-eye, you get her too."

That was disgusting. Alina just wanted to get as far away from that guy as possible. So she was relieved when he finally let Dean take his place. She smiled at him and turned to face the board once again, but this time, when she felt the strong hand on her stomach, and the well-shaped body pressed against her back, she simply pretended to clumsily lose her balance, pressing herself against him even more. She could feel his grin right next to her ear and let him guide her arm. She clearly was able to throw the dart herself, but she loved it when he wrapped his hand around hers and stayed in that position for a few more seconds. Pretending to concentrate, letting their breaths take the same rhythm. Alina closed her eyes for a short moment when she felt Dean's breath softly caressing the few strands of hair falling near her face. Then finally, they threw the dart. And without any surprise, it landed right in the middle of the board.

Alina, still in character, acted hysterically and turned around to joyfully jump at Dean's neck. The hunter laughed, kept his arm around her as if to mark its territory, before proudly turning to his opponent and raise an open hand in expectation. The frustrated loser, quickly grabbed the money in his pocket, crushed it into Dean's hand and left while openly insulting the two of them. Alina watched him leave with a smirk, then took the money that Dean was still counting.

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