« Dead In The Water » - Part 2/3

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Dean, Sam, and Alina, decided to call it a day and went back to the motel. After eating and studying more articles, it didn't take too long for the brothers to fall asleep. But Alina felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as Dean. She was scared of having another nightmare. So once she was sure he was asleep, she slowly got up and went to sit on the couch in front of the beds. She sighed at her own fear of sleep. Was she being irrational? It was just a dream after all.


She almost jumped when she heard Sam's voice. She hadn't noticed that he was now awake, and standing next to his bed. "You okay?" He asked her, surprised to see her on the couch.

She didn't know what to say, because she too was worried about him. She knew how hard it was for him to get a good night of sleep lately, and that he had dreamt a lot about Jessica. She couldn't bother him with her own problems. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." Sam clearly wasn't convinced, so he joined her on the couch and kept looking at her with curious eyes until she agreed to tell the truth. "Okay I'm not fine right now. It's just...I had a little accident with Dean earlier, when he tried to wake me up. And I can't take the risk of hurting him again just because of a stupid dream."

Sam was shocked and sadden to hear that her nightmares were back. "Is it still about Chris?"

She hated to hear his name. It only made the guilt worse. "Yeah. Seeing Mr Carlton this morning, it reminded me of Charlie."

She sadly smiled, then stared back at him with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't be listening to this. I'm not the only one here with sleeping issues."


"Sam don't lie to me. You don't have to tell me anything, but at least don't lie."

He shared a sad look with her, then simply nodded in agreement. "You know it's just...what happened to Jessica, and not being able to find dad..."

She took his hand in hers, put her head on his shoulder, just like she used to do when they were kids and one of them needed to be comforted. Right now they both needed each other.



"I know it's been months and I haven't been able to tell you a lot about Chris' death. To be honest, there are some things that even Charlie doesn't know."

She paused, but he stayed silent to let her continue without being interrupted.

"I don't think I'm ready yet, but when I decide to tell you everything, will you listen to me?"

He softly put his free arm around her and hold her tight to reassure her. "Of course. Anytime."

She smiled. "Great. And...when you'll be ready, will you talk to me?"

She had always been the one person he never feared to talk to. He couldn't talk about his past as a hunter with Jessica, and couldn't talk about his present as a college student with Dean or John. But Alina could always listen to anything he had to say, and never let him think he was wrong to want a normal life. "I will."

"Thanks." She said before closing her eyes. She felt safe with the Winchesters. The more time she was spending with them, the more she realized just how big was the hole in her life for five years.

Sam was her best friend, and Dean was...he was Dean. Nobody could ever replace them.

The next day, Dean was walking out of the bathroom after taking a long shower, when Alina woke up with a big yawn. "You better not have used all the hot water Winchester."

"You're the sweetest person I know Frenchy, until you decide to wake up."

"Shut up."

The young woman got off the bed and went straight to the cup of coffee on the table with her name written on it. It was Sam's writing. She took a quick sip, and instantly gave Dean a disgusted look. "It's cold."

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