« Shadow » - Part 2/3

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"So did you find anything?" Alina asked from the bathroom knowing she'd left Dean busy, doing the researches Sam had asked them to do on Meg. She secretly wished they'd find something strange about her, since she definitely didn't like the girl, but also didn't want Sam to feel bad for not seeing things earlier. She wasn't mad at him anymore, and as usual, she just wanted to protect him.

"No, she checks out." Dean replied from the bedroom, working on Sam's laptop. "There is a Meg Masters in the Andover phonebook. I even pulled up her high school photo."

"So she's not a monster. Just a bitch."

"Well what can I say, Sam's got weird taste in women."

They both heard each other laughing, when a loud noise suddenly came from the bathroom, making Dean stand up from his chair in the split of a second. "Alina?! You okay in there?!"

The young woman was supposed to be taking a shower, but he was now realizing that she'd been in there for a few minutes and he couldn't hear the water running. The noise sounded like she'd fell somehow, so he walked straight to the door and knocked on it worryingly. "Alina!"

"I'm fine!" She yelled behind the door in a struggling voice.

"Are you sure?"

Dean waited a few seconds in panic, until the door slightly opened and Alina's head peeked out with an embarrassed smiled. "Could you act like you didn't just hear that?"

"Why? What happened? Are you hurt?" Dean was worried that she would only let him see her head and not rest of her body, since he was already searching for any signs of injuries.

"I'm fine. I just..." Alina's face turned bright red and she let out a long sigh before opening the door.

Dean's jaw completely dropped the moment he saw the rest of her body. He wasn't expecting that. At. All.

Alina was wearing another police officer costume, but if she already looked hot in the first version, that one made Dean forget about absolutely everything else. Including Sam, their current job, and the researches he was working on just a few seconds ago. Less fabric, more latex, fishnet tights, high boots...and a beautifully, amazingly low neckline. She also had the handcuffs and the holster on her belt, with one of Dean's gun in it, and disappointedly put on the hat she was holding in her hand, with her curls gracefully falling on her naked shoulders.

Dean felt as if a heatwave had hit him the moment that door had opened, and couldn't take his eyes off of her anymore. She looked...incredible. Yet she couldn't look at him in the eyes, thinking about her stupid fall when she'd tried to put on her second boot.

"I just wanted to cheer you up but these heels are a freaking nightmare! I don't even understand how I'm standing right now!"

Alina looked down at herself and groaned angrily. "Just forget that, I don't even know why I thought this would be a good i..."

But before she could finish her sentence, and before she could turn around to go get changed, Dean rapidly closed the gap between them and crushed his lips onto hers, guiding her body to make her walk backwards, until she hit her back against the bathroom wall and felt his hand on her waist, trapping her in his eager embrace. She'd been completely taken aback back his move, but still kissed him with her whole body heating up at the way his hands were grabbing her. "Oh Frenchy..." Dean's lips slowly went down to her neck while he was talking against her skin. "I'll never...ever...be able to forget that."

Alina bit her lips at his words, glad that this costume was actually doing its job. Dean was acting like a beast and she loved it.

She succeeded to handcuff them together while he was too distracted by the rest of her, and laughed at his surprised expression once he felt the cuff around his wrist and stopped to stare at it. "You wanna hear a secret, Winchester?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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