« Hook Man » - Part 2/2

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Alina had to return with the boys to the fraternity so Sam could do some more researches. Alina was lying on the bed behind him and had been playing with a ball, making it bounce on the ceiling for several minutes when her friend decided that he had enough and turned towards her, annoyed. "Alina, why are you here?"

"What do you mean? I'm waiting for you to finish."

"Can't you go wait downstairs with Dean?"

Alina immediately looked away from her friend, who very quickly understood the reason for her embarrassment. He smiled in a mocking way that Alina didn't like at all. "Stop it." She ordered him, irritated by his attitude.

"Is this because of the kiss?"

"It wasn't a kiss! It was a diversion!"

"It was definitely a kiss."

"I...it wasn't...shut up Sam!" And she finally left the room. Sam was glad to be able to work in silence again, and yet he couldn't help but wonder how this whole thing between his brother and his best friend would end.

Alina was relieved that the big party downstairs was preventing her from seeing Dean right away. She didn't have any problem with him, obviously, she just wanted to...not see him. Maybe she was a little embarrassed about that kiss after all. But technically, it was only their second kiss for Dean, while she'd also kissed a Shapeshifter with his face, and dreamed of kissing him before they arrived here. She just couldn't stop thinking about doing it again, and it scared her. She couldn't feel that way about Dean. She'd known him her entire life. Was she losing her mind?!


The hunter almost jumped when she heard her name being yelled right behind her. Fortunately, it was just Stacy. Unfortunately, it was Stacy.

"Hey Stacy!"

Her new roommate hugged her before she could add anything. "I'm so happy to see you here! You have to tell me everything! Who's that guy you were kissing in our room?! He's so hot! Is he new?!"

Of course, Stacy had to remind her of the only thing she wanted to forget right now. But the girl looked so drunk that at least, Alina didn't have to use that horrible accent. She wouldn't even notice the difference in her current state.

"Yeah he's new. I...met him at the church."

"Really?! That's so cool!"

Alina smiled at her, and noticed the empty cup in her hand. "Hey, how about we go refill that cup?"

"Sure! Totally! Let's go!"

Alina followed Stacy to the kitchen, where the drunk girl suddenly jumped in a guy's arms. They both fell to the ground and as Alina was actually getting worried for them, she quickly turned around when she realized that they were kissing and almost ripping each other's clothes on the kitchen's floor. "Okay..." She grabbed a bottle of whiskey next to her and took a sip, giving the two lovers some privacy. It had to be the boyfriend.

"Hey Alina?!" Some other girls from the Sorority called her once she walked out of the room. So she joined them, not seeing her two friends walking right pass her, talking about their case.

The brothers were worried about their friend, so they walked back into the crowd of people, searching for the familiar face of the girl. They were relieved when they soon found her in the living room, but it didn't last too long as she was being harassed by a boy who clearly chose to ignore her multiple rejections, putting his hands on her waist to pull her against him when she told him to leave her alone. Dean's hands were turning into fists, and his legs walking towards Alina before he could even think about it.

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