« Nightmare » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP14 - Nightmare)

The hunters walked out of the Impala once they found the house they were looking for. It was the middle of the night when Sam had woke up a few hours ago, claiming he'd dreamed of a stranger getting killed in his garage. Of course Dean was the most skeptic and had spent the entire drive trying to convince Sam that this dream was just a normal one. But Alina hadn't hesitated to jump in the car the moment she'd seen the distress in her friend's eyes. She'd believed him, even though she hadn't dreamed or felt anything related to that man.

She wished she'd been wrong.

She couldn't ignore the look on Sam's face when they approached the little crowd, gathered in front of the house where emergency vehicles were parked, and someone on a stretcher was being zipped into a body bag. That man was really dead.

"What happened?" Dean questioned a woman in the crowd, watching the disturbing scene from afar.

"Suicide. Can't believe it."

Alina stood next to Sam when he stopped on the woman's other side. He was clearly trying to hide how upset he actually felt. "Did you know them?"

"Saw him in every Sunday at St Augustines. He always seems...seemed, so normal. I guess you never know what's going on behind closed doors."

The worst part was when that woman told them the way Jim Miller had died. He'd been found in the garage, locked inside his car with the engine running, which matched exactly the dream Sam had described to them on the road. And it had all happened about one or two hours ago, while they were on their way to get there. As Sam noticed the crying woman standing on the front step of the house with a middle aged man comforting her, and a younger man standing behind them, looking distraught, he couldn't help but feel guilty. It was too late. He'd failed.

Alina didn't need her Empathy to see how much Sam was angry with teary eyes, when he suddenly walked away. His friend and his brother shared a worried look before they quickly followed him to lean against the side of the Impala with him.

Dean was the first to speak with his most understanding tone. "Sam we got here as fast as we could."

"Not fast enough. It doesn't make any sense man. Why would I even have these premonitions if there wasn't a chance I could stop them from happening?"

Alina completely turned to him and took his hand in hers to squeeze it firmly. "Sam, you can't blame yourself, it was already too late when you had that dream. I know it's hard but...maybe you weren't supposed to stop this from happening. Maybe you're here to prevent it from happening to someone else."

Sam looked at her, still angry at himself but ready to follow her advice. He sighed and nodded in agreement. "So what do you think killed him?"

Alina could already predict Dean's answer, but unfortunately wasn't fast enough to stop him from saying it.

"Maybe the guy just killed himself? Maybe there's nothing supernatural going on at all."

"I'm telling you, I watched it happen." Sam insisted, annoyed by the way his brother was trying to find a normal explanation for something that definitely wasn't right. "He was murdered by something Dean. I watched it trap him in the garage."

"What was it, a spirit, poltergeist, what?"

"I don't know what it was. I don't know why I'm having these dreams, I don't know what the hell is happening Dean!"

Obviously, Alina's efforts to calm her friend down had been ruined by this simple short exchange. But she couldn't blame Dean. She'd already put him through a lot with her Empathy for the past few months, the fact that he didn't want his little brother to also go through this was understandable. He was worried. And he had the strangest idea of how to show it, like staring at Sam for way too long until he eventually snapped at him.

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