« Hook Man » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP7 - Hook Man)

Alina was running around the park for a good hour now, when she received a message from Sam, giving her the address of the Café where he and Dean were waiting for her. Alina put the device back in her pocket without even answering the message, and resumed her relentless run. She needed to let off steam. She couldn't let herself think about the horrible nightmare she had the night before. When she first dreamed that she was kissing Dean at night in his car, she thought that the recent events with the Shapeshifter were coming back to haunt her, even after several days had already passed. But she quickly realized that it was something else, when she woke up with the shocking vision of Dean Winchester's mutilated dead body. She still had chills thinking about it. When she'd woke up, she'd spent several minutes observing the peacefully sleeping face of her friend near her. She was afraid to blink, and see him again covered in blood. Alina was so upset by this vision that she ended up putting on shorts and a tank top to go run around the park.

However, she stopped when she heard a scream coming from the playground. Nothing to worry about, just kids playing normally. But as her eyes landed on the tunnel, making her think about the discussion she had with Dean about her secrets, she suddenly felt uneasy. What if that nightmare wasn't just a nightmare?

No. She couldn't let this kind of thoughts poison her mind. She couldn't see the future, she just had this weird connection with people, animals, and spirits. Nothing weird at all...

She sighed, took a deep breath, and started to run towards the Café.
When she arrived, she found the boys at a table outside, talking about what seemed to be a new case Dean had found for them. "Could be something interesting."

"Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything? Doesn't mean it's the Invisible Man."

"But what if it is? Dad would check it out."

"Check what out?" Alina joined the conversation as she reached their table.

The brothers first took a look at the panting girl. She was sweating from all the efforts, and yet, she looked so full of energy that they could only be impressed by her. But then, Dean realized that he'd really been worried about her ever since he'd woke up in an empty bed this morning. If Sam hadn't told him about her going out for a run, he probably would've searched the whole town for her. "What's with the run at 4 a.m, Frenchy?"

Alina smirked and took the seat in front of them. "I just wanted to get out of that motel room. I feel like all we do when we're not hunting, is driving and watching TV. I'm not complaining, but this morning I needed to do something different. So did you guys find a case?"

Sam shrugged and turned the computer in her direction to get her opinion on the matter. But the moment she saw the victim's photo, she had a flashback of her dream with the images of Dean's dead body, glitching and turning into this person she didn't even know.

"The mutilated body was found near the victim's car. The sole eyewitness says the attacker was invisible." Dean explained to her, trying to convince his friend that this was their kind of job.

Alina was being violently thrown back into her dream, when she suddenly closed the computer to the brothers' surprise. She was now breathing heavily, and her left hand under the table had turned into a trembling fist without her noticing it. She stood up, trying to hide her anxiety behind a smile. "I'm gonna grab a coffee."

She turned around, bumping into a stranger without stopping to apologize like she usually would. The boys watched her walk inside the Café worryingly. Sam was already getting up to follow her, but Dean stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "I'll go." He informed his brother and went to check on the girl.

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